Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2301 The truth behind it is more complicated than imagined

Huo Tingting didn't know if he really listened, or if he didn't take his warning seriously at all. He calmly told him what he had found, "The person you are talking about is the real head of the Os family. In addition, he is also the chairman of an overseas trading company. Because you want me to help you find it. , so I carefully checked the details of that company, and I found out a very bad news..."

He said in a stern tone, "Beijue, do you know about the black network?"


"In addition to the network we use normally, there is actually a second network world in the virtual network, which is the dark network! The so-called black network literally means dark network, and the deeper meaning is the real network. Things that we are not legally allowed to trade can be traded on the dark web, including virtual currencies, rare animals, cultural relics and treasures, slaves and – arms.”

He bit the last two words very clearly.

"Hundreds of wars and tens of thousands of armed conflicts occur around the world every year. Where do the guns and ammunition in the hands of these irregular organizations come from? Including pirates, etc., where do the advanced weapons and ships in their hands come from? Where did it come from?" Huo Tingting said clearly, "They were all bought from the dark web!"

“There is a special transaction currency on the dark web, which is also a virtual currency. Buyers turn their money into virtual currency through formal channels, and then trade on the dark web through informal channels. The huge network of interests and money transactions make The dark web has formed a huge profit chain, and it has spawned a large number of people who can make money. The overseas company of the person you want me to check is related to the dark web. "

"In fact, in the past few years, I have long discovered that the source of some of the Os family's funds is unclear. This is not the first day they have set foot on the dark web, but I did not expect that they would be related to you."

The Li chaebol is doing honest business and still makes money.

Businesses on the dark web are not only shameful but also profitable.

These are two different ways of making money, and they are two ways of making money that are destined not to intersect.

But he didn't expect that there would be an intersection in the middle - Chi Enen!

In other words, the Habsden family!

"I think the reason why he took action against En En is because the Habsden family controls the most profitable item on the dark web - arms!"

Huo Leiting's voice deepened a little and he continued.

"Quan Dongting is a really powerful man. He can be said to be flawless and tough. Under his leadership, the Habsden family can firmly sit as the first family in T country and control the entire country's oil exploration! His hands He holds the weapons raw materials from the black network. If others want to take advantage of this business, they have to deal with him. But Quan Dongting... has remained standing for so many years, which shows how powerful those people are. I just want to start with Enen."

"You mean...arms?" Li Beijue didn't expect that the relationship network here was so complicated. He thought that what Li Qiyun was talking about was related to country T's oil.

Now it seems that Li Qiyun has done so much to help the people behind it, but in fact he has not even touched the corners of the truth.

"Yes, arms." Huo Leiting said solemnly, "That's why I tell you it's very dangerous. This is an immeasurable wealth, and those people are all desperadoes. They all want to take over this business, and only Let’s start with En En.”

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