From the first moment he saw the man, he knew that Chi Enen's uncle was extraordinary.

But he didn't expect that Quan Dongting would get involved in the dark web and even control the most profitable business on the dark web.

It felt like a big stone was pressing on his chest, and it was impossible to describe his mood at this moment.

Quan Dongting is very powerful, but his power is equivalent to hanging a knife around Chi Enen's neck, putting Chi Enen into endless danger...

Li Beijue secretly clenched his fists, and his temples bulged slightly.

He didn't know what Quan Dongting was thinking and how he planned to protect Chi Enen. But he definitely wanted to protect this woman. No matter what business he was doing, he would not let Chi Enen be in any danger.

If that business would put Chi Enen in danger, no matter how much money he could make, he wouldn't do it!

In the doctor's eyes, Li Beijue was 'asleep'. He tentatively reached the man's ear and called softly, "Mr. Li?"

Li Beijue's thoughts were interrupted by his noisy voice. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his dark and murderous eyes fell on him.

Just one look.

The doctor was so frightened that his face turned pale with fright. He took a step back without saying anything and stammered an explanation, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I called you several times but you didn't respond. I thought you were sleeping." I'm sick, so I thought... I'd like to try to call you again so I can inform the family members outside."

It scared him to death. Why did Mr. Li look at him with that murderous look?

He just barked a few times normally.

The murderous intent in Li Beijue's eyes had gradually subsided, and when he saw the doctor's face, he became more and more irritable, "Is it done?"

The doctor had no idea where he had offended this man, so he answered honestly, "Yes, I have re-bandaged it for you."

He repeated the precautions he had just mentioned to Li Beijue, and added at the end, "Mr. Li, this is the second time you have opened a wound. Mr. Li had better be careful not to open the wound again." . Otherwise, if the wound is opened repeatedly, it will become harder and harder to heal. The flesh and bone inside the gunshot wound is already burned by the bullet, and it will be harder to heal than other wounds if Mr. Li keeps opening it again. When you tear the wound, it will be more difficult to heal..."

Although he was scared, he did not forget his duty as a doctor, and he dedicatedly told Li Beijue all the things that needed to be reminded.

Li Beijue's soul had already flown to the black network thing Huo Tingting mentioned, and he didn't take the doctor's advice to heart at all. All he could think about now was Chi Enen.

After the doctor finished speaking, he frowned and said impatiently, "Are you done?"

This tone is so unpleasant to hear.

The doctor had been frightened so many times in just one hour that his face turned pale with fright, "Say, it's over."

Li Beijue glanced at him, wondering what he was shaking, and threw the check on his sofa. Before going out, he did not forget to warn him again, "Huo Yi should have told you that I will come to your place today to change the dressing." It’s better to keep your mouth shut if you’re smart.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I don't know anything."

Li Beijue turned around, opened the door, and went out...

As soon as he left, the doctor dared to pick up the check on the sofa. When he saw the number on it, he suddenly felt that the hour of worry was worth it.

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