Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2306 Pull her to sleep together

damn it!

Thinking of that sweet taste, he could hardly control himself, and his eyes became darker and darker...

When it was extremely dark, he lowered his head and sealed it with his soft thin lips. A soft and hot kiss fell on Chi Enen's lips, and the kiss was like a violent storm.

"Hmm." Chi Enen groaned at the kiss.

His lips were almost swollen from the kiss before he let go. Turning over, he let go of her hand, lying on his back on the bed, breathing heavily.

Chi Enen subconsciously planned to take this opportunity to get up. As soon as he moved, he was warned, "If you don't want to continue, don't move! If you move again, I can't guarantee that I can still control it!"

I can’t guarantee that I can still control it…

Chi Enen's whole body froze and he didn't dare to move.

After about ten minutes, the man lying next to her finally regained control of himself, lifted the quilt, put his arm around her waist, and pulled her into his arms, "Sleep!"

Chi Enen was held so tightly by his hot embrace that she almost couldn't breathe, but his performance just now was so scary that she didn't dare to struggle, for fear that he would lose control and attack again.

The injury on his shoulder is definitely not suitable for that kind of thing!

Chi Enen adjusted her emotions, relaxed her body a little, closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping... She didn't know how long it took, but she finally heard the sound of a man's even breathing in her ears, and she quietly opened her eyes. …

The first thing you notice is a man's eyelashes that are thick and curled like small fans. His eyelashes are so long and curly that even women will be jealous when they see him.

Not to mention that his skin is exceptionally good. With them so close, there are no pores visible on his skin.

Chi Enen usually didn't see him taking care of his skin deliberately, and he was still the kind of person who stayed up late and worked overtime, and was very tolerant. I really don’t know how his skin can still be so good?

So it’s true that people can’t compete with each other, and the more they compare, the more annoying they will be.

Is Li Beijue asleep?

Chi Enen quietly reached out and touched his face. She just touched the skin of his face lightly and immediately withdrew her hand.

The man with his eyes closed tightly and breathing evenly showed no signs of waking up...

Only then did Chi Enen confirm that he was really asleep.

It's not surprising that he fell asleep. A normal person would be so seriously injured and lose so much blood. After running to the TV station, opening the wound, and running to the hospital over and over again, my body could no longer bear it.

He was able to delay sleeping until now, and Chi Enen admired his perseverance.

If she hadn't dragged him into the bedroom just now, with his perseverance, he wouldn't be able to rest even now, right?

She lay quietly in his arms and watched silently for a while.

After making sure that his breathing was steady and that he was sleeping deeply, he slowly opened his arm around his waist, quietly got out of his arms little by little, and got up.

Because she didn't want to wake up the man who had finally fallen asleep, Chi Enen's movements were very gentle. It was obviously just a simple step to get up, but it took her more than ten minutes to get up from the bed. In order not to disturb the sleeping people, she didn't even wear slippers. She bent down to pick up her slippers, gently opened the bedroom door, and walked out quietly...

When she stepped out of the bedroom door, she felt as if she had completed a task. She breathed a long sigh of relief, closed the door, put down her slippers, put them on and walked to the living room...

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