Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2311 Chi Enen knows what’s going on

After Chi Enen obtained the information through Chi Baobao, he returned to Country Garden first.

Chi Baobao went to watch cartoons right away.

She went to the study room, took out her mobile phone, and sifted through the information that Chi Baobao had stolen for her.

After getting rid of work information, Chi Enen cleared out most of it, and the rest were basically her photos and the like.

She also found a recording of her confession.

She didn't even know when and how Li Beijue secretly recorded what she said during the confrontation with Li Qiyun.

Moreover, it was cut into paragraphs using technology. When she heard the paragraph she said, "I like Li Beijue," her cheeks felt hot.

Chi Enen calmed down and sifted through the massive information in her hands, and finally found a useful document.

The time shown in the document is today, and it was sent not long ago in the afternoon.

The sender is Huo Tingting.

Chi Enen clicked on the document and quickly browsed through the contents. The more she read, the more serious her expression became, and the more she looked, the tighter her lips pursed...

Dark web, transactions.

Chi Enen's face was heavy. She finally understood what Li Beijue wanted to hide from her.

She read the contents of the document in fear, then pursed her lips and deleted the file on her phone. After sitting on the chair for a while, he walked to the window with his cell phone and called Quan Dongting.


The electric current only made a sound, and was picked up immediately.

Chi Enen recalled the contents of the document he had seen before, and said in a solemn voice, "Hello? Uncle, I want to ask you about the black network..."

She stayed on the phone for half an hour, and the solemnity at the corners of her eyes and brows became deeper and deeper.

It turns out that as stated in the document sent by Huo Ling, the Habsden family's business involves the dark web.

My uncle said that when he first took over Habsden, he had no choice but to get involved in the dark web. At that time, because her mother was missing, her grandmother was in a state of depression all year round, and her grandfather died early. In order to find out how her mother got lost back then, and to shock others, he got involved in the dark web.

After he found Chi Enen, he also realized that this business would put Chi Enen in danger, and he thought about quitting.

But there are some things that cannot be withdrawn so easily.

He wanted to retreat, but those people wanted to eat the entire Habsden family.

Quan Dongting apologized to her with guilt in the end and told her a secret.

He cannot have children!

He said that at first, he never thought that Chi Enen would be involved. But he didn't expect that he would be diagnosed as infertile. Chi Enen has become the only candidate of the Habsden family who can inherit the family, and those people will go crazy to find trouble for her.

"Well, I shouldn't have hidden it from you, but this matter involves too many areas and is too dangerous. I really want to protect you very well, but sometimes there are things that I don't care about. " Quan Dongting's always gentle voice was full of gratitude. He really didn't expect to find his long-lost sister at first, let alone Chi Enen, "Well, it's really great. Feel sorry."

Mrs. Habsden doesn't know about this yet. If the old lady knows about the black network and the danger Chi Enen may encounter at any time, she will definitely slap him to death.

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