Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2313 Chi Enen is going out?

"I remember." Chi Enen held the phone tightly and said in a relaxed tone, "Thank you, uncle."

Quan Dongting sighed and said in a more helpless tone than anyone else, "I didn't want you to know at first, just because I was afraid that you would be involved. But I didn't expect that you still knew."

"Anyway, you should pay attention to your safety and call me if you need anything."

Chi Enen nodded, then remembered that she and Quan Dongting were on the phone. Quan Dongting couldn't see her, so he quickly said, "Okay."

In the next few days, Li Beijue was forced to stay in Country Garden to recuperate from his injuries.

After a few days of rest, the gunshot wound on his shoulder gradually scabbed over...

However, gunshot wounds are not easy to heal. Li Beijue's wound is just scabbed. It will take at least about a month to completely heal.

Although others stayed in Country Garden, they did not really rest.

I am busy in the study every day.

He slept deeply that day and didn't know that Chi Enen went to pick up Chi Baobao from school, nor did he know that when he came back afterwards, Chi Enen stayed in the study for a long time.

When he woke up the next day and went to the study, Chi Enen was very nervous, fearing that he would find that the computer had been hacked.

However, nothing happened as she feared.

Just as her Chi Baobao said, Li Beijue didn't notice that the computer had been touched at all.

Because Li Beijue stayed at home, Chi Enen had to stay at home.

In addition to using videos to direct Ryan's side step by step every day, she would either play games with the man who rarely came out of the study, or pick up Chi Baobao from school. Her life was as peaceful as if she had never known this through Chi Baobao before. It's the same big secret that's been hidden behind her for a while.

In the blink of an eye, four or five days passed.

Not to mention Li Beijue who was almost busy in the study, even Huo Yi didn't notice anything.

On this day, after Chi Enen finished the video conference in the living room as usual, she closed her laptop, looked at the time on the wall, stood up and said to the man who was helping to make coffee in the living room, "Butler Huo, Chi Baobao is out of school. I'll pick him up."

Huo Yigang had just boiled the coffee beans. Hearing this, he wiped his hands and said, "Young madam, are you going to pick up the young master now? I just made the coffee, and it may take twenty minutes. I need a lot of madams to wait for me. We go together."

Chi Enen had already picked up the bag on the sofa and said without any signs of anything strange, "Chi Baobao said that their last class today is physical education and they might finish school early. I'd better pick him up a little early to avoid making him angry." . And I promised his group of friends a few days ago that I would take them and Chi Baobao to the video game city today. If you go with them, Chi Baobao may not feel comfortable. It is better for me to pick him up alone today. "

Huo Yi remembered that after school, Chi Baobao's group of classmates pestered Chi Enen and wanted to go to the video game city with them. He thought for a while and agreed without thinking too much, "Okay then. Young lady, be careful on the road."

The young lady is surrounded by bodyguards arranged by the lord, and the Habsden family also arranges special bodyguards to secretly protect the young lady, so he is not very worried about the young lady going out 'alone'.

Seeing that he agreed, Chi Enen relaxed her tense shoulders and looked at him with bright eyes, "I may come back late. Li Beijue's side..."

"Oh, the lord is still busy. Don't worry, young lady, I will tell the lord when I make the coffee and bring it in." Huo Yidu said proactively, not realizing that Chi Enen was different from usual.

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