Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2315 I want to bite Chi Enen hard.

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"Get out of the way, thank you, please get out of the way." The bodyguards formed a human wall with expressionless faces, blocking the reporters who wanted to stick their spears and cannons in Chi Enen's face.

Haas followed Chi Enen dutifully, always paying attention to every move of the man at the top. His muscles were very tight, which showed that he was very concentrated. Once Chi Enen was in danger, he could Immediately react protectively!

As the protagonist, Chi Enen was not as nervous as Haas thought. She was very calm and calm, completely ignoring the reporters on both sides, and walked straight to the conference stage.

She took every step very steadily, and was not afraid of the cold light hidden in Os's eyes.

Step by step, go through it openly and face to face!

Until he walked in front of the tall man, smiled slightly, and then suddenly turned around, ignoring Os's narrowed eyes, and turned to look at the man opposite Os.

"I would like to ask the mayor what made you choose to hand over this project to the Os Group?"

She asked very naturally, as if she was just asking.

The man who was suddenly named by her was obviously stunned. Facing so many reporters and spotlights, it was hard for him to show obvious dissatisfaction with Chi Enen. But he was still very dissatisfied that Chi Enen suddenly barged in and questioned him in front of so many people. So when he stood up to answer the question, he was so slow that anyone with eyes could tell that he was unhappy.

"This, of course, went through layers of selection, and then we selected Aos Group among all the companies that participated in the bidding. First, the offer given by Aos Group was the closest to the expected value we set. Second, Aos Group There is no doubt about the strength of Si Group. Third, Aos Group promises to donate 3% of its profits to charity and is committed to caring for the elderly. Therefore, we chose Aos Group carefully after comprehensive consideration. ”

As soon as he finished his official remarks, he immediately looked at Chi Enen and asked in front of all reporters, "I have finished answering. Is Miss Chi satisfied with this answer? If so, I would like to know what Miss Chi is doing at this time." What do you mean by suddenly barging in and interrupting our signing ceremony?"

The tension between the two sides was so strong that reporters focused their spotlights on the stage, refusing to let go of any exciting scenes.

At the same time, some smart media also directly started live broadcasts on the Internet.

The Habsden daughter has been very popular recently. She just held the wedding of the century, which attracted the attention of the global media. Now that she suddenly breaks in, it is big news no matter what.

Big news means tons of hits!

The cameras were all focused on Chi Enen, waiting to see how Chi Enen would respond to the opponent's counterattack.

Ao Si also sat in his original position, without even standing up. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, waiting for Chi Enen's reaction.

He didn't think Chi Enen could do anything if he barged in at this time. He thought Chi Enen barged in just because he knew something.

In a moment of anger, he just broke in to trouble Li Beijue without telling him.

However, in front of so many media, Chi Enen barged in so rashly, and he was curious about how the man wiped Chi Enen's butt when Chi Enen couldn't stop the scene.

Once he finds a loophole, he will definitely bite back hard!

After all, the Li chaebol had united with the Jin family before and gave them a serious bite!

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