Oss went on to say, "First of all, Oss Group won this project purely on the principle of fairness, justice and openness, relying on its strength. This can be proved by the project department of Oss Group who worked overtime all night. Secondly, let's not talk about the content of this recording. There are problems with this recording itself. With the development of technology, it is too easy to forge a recording! Moreover, as far as I know, the technology of the Li family chaebol in this regard is very advanced. Not to mention making such an unclear recording, even if it is a very explosive and excessive recording, Miss Chi can also forge it, right?" He swept around Chi Enen with an aggressive aura and said, "Since Miss Chi took out such a recording to make a fuss, has the female voice in the recording come? Miss Chi dared to take it out and play it in front of so many people, she must think that this recording is true. Miss Chi said it was true, and I said it was false. Miss Chi can let the other party come out to confront. We are upright and upright, and we are not afraid of confrontation." After hearing this, the reporters also began to look around, wanting to see if Chi Enen brought the other person in the recording to testify in person. However, they looked around and didn't see the possible person.

Chi Enen faced the man's aggressive and evil eyes, without panic, and admitted very calmly, "She didn't come."

Os knew that the other person in the recording didn't dare to come!

Haha, it was beyond his expectation that she could find such a recording, but Chi Enen was still too naive.

Li Beijue and him were almost the same, Chi Enen... after all, she was a woman.

Os hid the bloodthirsty light in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, "Miss Chi, are you kidding me? You took out such a recording, and when so many people played it, you said that the person in the recording didn't come. With just this forged recording, what do you want to prove, Miss Chi? Your current behavior is considered an infringement of reputation, right?"

With him by his side, the mayor calmed down after being caught off guard by Chi Enen, and immediately snorted and said, "Miss Chi, I will entrust the secretariat to send you a lawyer's letter, please pay attention to it when the time comes!"

The scene reversed again!

The reporters who had just questioned the man in a suit focused their cameras on Chi Enen again, and their words were equally merciless and sharp--

"Ms. Chi, how do you explain the recording next?"

"Ms. Chi, what do you think of the lawyer's letter? Do you have any way to prove the authenticity of this recording?"

"Ms. Chi, are you really holding a grudge against Ryan because he lost the competition and deliberately framing him?"

"Ms. Chi, does Mr. Li know that you did this?"

One question after another was thrown at him, almost concluding that Chi Enen could not turn over.

The reporters were completely merciless, and each one had more traps than the other.

Some malicious reporters even wanted to drag Li Beijue into the water.

At this time, Oss added, "I also want to ask Miss Chi, does Mr. Li know about this? Did Mr. Li ask Miss Chi to come, or did Miss Chi come by herself?"

This was a naked sarcasm of kicking someone when he was down!

Haas's face suddenly turned cold, and he was about to step forward.

Chi Enen grabbed him, met the tall man's gaze with cold eyes, and said calmly, "He doesn't know, it's enough for me to come alone."

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