Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2336 He didn’t answer the phone call

"Young Madam..."

Qiao Yimo glanced at her worriedly and felt very sad. She hesitated and didn't know how to comfort Chi Enen, so she quietly pulled the sleeve of the person next to her, urging him to find a way.

Huo Yi was ready to cry now and didn't know what to do. But Qiao Yimo couldn't stand it and kept pulling on his sleeves to urge him, so she could only say dryly, "Young Madam, I'll call the Lord and ask him to come back. The photo just now was definitely a misunderstanding. Didn't the Young Madam say that before? Do you want to ask the Lord about these things? The young lady can ask the Lord when he comes back."

The young lady wanted to ask before, but he was worried about the injury on the lord's body and stopped the young lady.

Now that the Lord's injury is much better, the young lady can ask.

The most important thing is that if this misunderstanding continues, he is worried that the young lady will really misunderstand the lord...

After all, no matter how strong the trust is, it cannot withstand misunderstandings again and again. As time goes by, people will inevitably have knots in their hearts.

He didn't want the lord and the young lady to be separated in their hearts.

Chi Enen ignored him, not knowing what he was thinking, and remained silent.

Qiao Yimo, on the other hand, hurriedly urged him, "Steward Huo, you should call Mr. Li quickly."

"Okay." Huo Yi didn't dare to delay any longer. He hurriedly found his cell phone and dialed Li Beijue's number. In order to make Chi Enen believe that Li Beijue and Lin Nai definitely did not do those things in the hotel, he deliberately turned on the speakerphone.


What I didn't expect was.

The phone beeped a dozen times, but no one answered.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is busy and cannot answer your call at the moment. We will inform the user via text message later."

Huo Yi's scalp was about to explode. He hurriedly pressed the hang-up button and quickly explained, "Sir, he must not have heard. I'll call him again."

He already regretted his move on speakerphone.

But it was open the first time, and it was even weirder if it wasn't open the second time.

He could only bite the bullet and turned on the speakerphone again and dialed Li Beijue's number...

This time, just like the last time, I got through quickly.

Just like last time, the living room was filled with the beeping sound of answering the phone, one after another, like a hammer on the heart, an indescribable feeling.

Chi Enen didn't pay attention to him at first, but when he heard the beeping sound, he looked over. The more expectations you have, the harder it will be when you are disappointed.

"Really..." Huo Yi had quick eyesight and hung up the phone immediately before the female voice rang. This time, he didn't know how to explain that Li Beijue didn't answer the phone, "Young Madam, the Lord must have muted his phone, so I didn’t hear it…”

"What is he doing that requires him to mute his phone so he won't be disturbed?" Chi Enen said calmly, with clear eyes as if he was simply asking this question and had no intention of embarrassing Huo Yi.

"Housekeeper Huo!" Qiao Yimo was more anxious than anyone else. He bumped his elbow hard in a suit and leather shoes. The serious man stood up to smooth things over again, "Young madam, Mr. Li must have not seen the phone. I believe Li I will never do anything to disgrace the young madam. The young madam must not be affected by those photos..."

Speaking of Qiao Yimo, she immediately frowned. She didn't know why, but she just took a look at the photos on her phone and felt like she didn't like it.

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