Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2340 Did you touch my phone?

Li Beijue didn't know what she was thinking, and he didn't care what Lin Nai thought. For him, as long as Lin Nai obediently helped Chi Enen bear the danger, that would be enough.

Her thoughts are beyond his consideration!

He crossed the mouse with his finger and looked at it intently for a while, then suddenly raised his head and ordered, "Go and get all the surveillance videos of the nearby stores. It's the road from the hotel to the pharmacy. I'm going to do it now." want!"

"Yes, Mr. Li."

The manager didn't dare to ask him what he wanted these for, so he immediately took the security personnel out to deal with it.

The people in the living room shouted and left, and the living room suddenly became empty. Li Beijue leaned tiredly on the sofa, closed his eyes, rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and relaxed for less than a minute. As if he remembered something, he opened his eyes and asked, "Did you touch my phone?"

Lin Naigang was still immersed in his handsome appearance. After hearing this, he reacted for a moment and then remembered, "I put your mobile phone on the table. I'll get it."

She trotted over and took the phone over and gave it back to Li Beijue, "Mr. Li."

Li Beijue frowned fiercely and took the phone. As soon as he opened it, he saw seven or eight missed calls from Huo Yi.

His expression became even worse, his eagle eyes stared sharply at the woman in front of him, and his voice seemed to be filled with the cold air of Siberia, "You turned off the sound of my mobile phone?"

He used a question, but said it in an affirmative tone.

Lin Nai was not stupid. She could see that he was angry and stammered an explanation quickly, "No, you were busy at that time. The phone rang, but you didn't hear it. I wanted to tell you, but seeing that you were so busy, I just ……At once……"

"I just took it upon myself to mute my phone." Li Beijue finished her unfinished words for her!

"Who gave you the courage to touch my things without my permission?!"

Lin Nai bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes. At that time, she saw Li Beijue's cell phone ringing. She originally wanted to hand it to him, but when she held the phone, she remembered that the call might be to ask Li Beijue to go back. She hesitated before risking turning her phone off into silent mode.

She finally called people to her side. She had not yet achieved her goal. How could she let Li Beijue leave?

Lin Nai thought so in her heart and did not dare to expose herself with her mouth. As soon as Li Beijue mentioned her, she lowered her head and defended in a low voice, "I...I really think you are too busy, so...I won't do it next time." Yes. Sorry, Mr. Li.”

She had looked in the mirror countless times, and she looked most like Chi Enen from this angle.

Especially when you lower your eyelids, it looks more like it.

She thought that the more she looked like Chi Enen, the more Li Beijue would treat her differently. What she didn't know was that the more she imitated Chi Enen, the more impatient Li Beijue looked at her, and the more impatient and depressed Li Beijue looked at her.

Lin Nai stepped forward cautiously and put the coffee cup towards him a little more, "Mr. Li, drink some coffee and take a rest."

Li Beijue glanced at the coffee in front of him, then glanced at her impatiently, stood up directly, and gave a cold warning, "Don't touch my things without my permission in the future!"

With that said, he walked aside and went to make a phone call.

Lin Nai watched helplessly as he had no intention of touching the cup of coffee, his teeth were about to break, he was anxious and angry!

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