Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2356 The heart is contracting and tingling.

Look at him or he'll go crazy!

The little woman underneath him was still calm, her fair little face was quiet and serene, as if he was asleep as if he didn't exist.

Li Beijue felt cramps in his chest, and his heart ached so much that he almost died.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of Huo Yi's words that Chi Enen was disappointed with him and accepted the 'diamond ring' given by Xize Lie.

Diamond rings are generally a token for a man to express his love for his beloved woman and promise eternity.

Chi Enen accepted the 'diamond ring' given by Nishizawa Lie, which showed that she was not completely emotionless towards Nishizawa Lie.

If at first...

He would have met her later, or Quan Dongting would have found Chi Enen first. Will the person who marries her now become Nishizawa Lie?

And the person she falls in love with will become Retsu Nishizawa?

Even if he intervenes now and makes her fall in love with him first, Chi Enen will always treat Xize Lie differently.

What she said was different. In addition to Xize Lie's life-saving grace for her and Nono, was there still a little bit of... temptation?

damn it!

Li Beijue frowned and tried his best to stop thinking about it.

But those images penetrated into his mind pervasively...

Nishizawa first confessed to her. She and Nishizawa walked out of the campus. He slammed Nishizawa. She blocked it in front of the hospital ...

And later, she and Nishizawa encountered danger together and hid in the woods.

Nishizawa Lie confessed his love to her at the airport, and she received a heart full of roses...

Chi Enen and him had a childhood relationship, and the relatives she cared about also liked Xi Zelie very much. If Chi Enen was disappointed with him, it would look like Quan Dongting doted on this woman unconditionally. As long as Chi Enen says she doesn't want to be with him anymore, Quan Dongting will take her away in minutes and arrange a new person for her, and Quan Dongting's best choice must be Xize Lie!

Xize Lie, Xize Lie!

He suddenly had the urge to kill this man first.

But this cruel impulse had just emerged, and he thought of Nono again.

The last time Nono was kidnapped by Chi Ya, it was Xizawa Lie who rescued him.

Later, Nono fell ill and was saved by Lie Nishizawa.

Including when they were playing, Nono accidentally broke his knee. At that time, it was also the man who rushed over on a private plane to save him.

Of course, he didn't let the man save him in vain every time.

Each time, he gave a lot of benefits to the Nishizawa family, which was regarded as repayment.

But no amount of money could compare to Nono's life, so in the end, he still couldn't really kill this man.

Li Beijue had never been so irritable before. This kind of irritability about not being able to advance or retreat was going to drive him crazy. What made him even more uncomfortable was the tingling feeling in his heart. He locked his eyes tightly on the little woman under him, with rosy thin lips and sexy lips, "Chi Enen, open your eyes, I want you to see." I."

I want you to look at me!

Domineering and strong.

Chi Enen's eyelashes twitched, but she didn't open her eyes.

Li Beijue's breathing was rapid, and he could no longer restrain the discomfort in his chest. He leaned over and lowered his head, like a wild beast, and kissed her lips——

This kiss was like a violent storm. Regardless of Chi Enen's refusal, he forcefully pried open her lips and teeth and attacked the city. He crazily absorbed the sweetness in her mouth, as if this was the only way to prove that she was still his!

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