Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2360 He still can’t hide her

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Li Beijue's fingers gripping her shoulders tightened inch by inch, and the storm in the eagle's eyes also rolled inch by inch.

Chi Enen kept looking at him, waiting for him to think about it.

She opened her mouth, just about to say something more.

Suddenly, the condescending man leaned down and continued the kiss just now, punishingly continuing to absorb the sweet honey from her mouth.

"Hmm." Chi Enen was so dizzy from being kissed that she unconsciously put her hands on his wounds without even realizing it.

At this moment, he suddenly bit the tip of her tongue and took a hard bite.

"Hiss—" Chi Enen took a breath of pain and woke up.

Is he stupid, thinking that the bite won't hurt?

She pushed hard against the person holding her down.

Li Beijue had already taken advantage of her opening her mouth in pain to attack the city. After a storm of passionate kiss, he pulled away a little, and his soft thin lips touched the painful place where she was bitten just now. It was obvious that he was the one who bit her, and he was the gentle one now.

Chi Enen frowned, her cheeks felt a little hot, and she moved uncomfortably, "Li..."

Beijue hasn't finished calling yet.

The man whose kiss seemed to be full of fire went crazy and bit her lips again.

But this time the bite was very light, it just looked scary.

After he finished biting the person, he raised his head, his dark eagle eyes reflected her shadow, and said word for word, "Chi Enen, sooner or later, you will drive me crazy!"


He lowered his head and pecked her eyes again before saying, "Do you know about the black web?"


Next, he told Chi Enen everything Huo Tingting found out, and what he said was basically the same as the information Chi Enen had secretly seen on his computer. It's just that the part about her younger uncle was less talked about.

Chi Enen's heart felt warm, knowing that he had deliberately concealed the fact that her uncle was also manipulating the dark web, and he didn't want her to worry.

"I kept that woman because that stupid woman happened to have plastic surgery to look like you. It doesn't mean that she is exactly the same as you. Anyway, in my eyes, you two are completely different! But in the eyes of others, if you are not like you People who are familiar with her may mistake her for you when they see her. I just want to keep her for your safety. First, you can use her to help you attract some people's attention. Another is to use her as bait. Lead out the person behind the scenes. I have now found out who is behind the scenes, so she only has one role left."

He stared at Chi Enen with a sullen face and said, "Let me say it again, I am not interested in that kind of ugly woman! I went to the hotel with her just to put her there and disturb her. The sight of some people who are not good for you. She and I did nothing in the hotel! I was not alone with her either! There were hotel staff in the hotel room."

"As for the phone call you mentioned, it was made by her. She told me that a stranger was following her. I just went over to check the identity of the person following her."

Damn it, he originally planned not to tell her anything, she just needed to live happily under his protection.

In the end, he didn't stick to his own judgment and was convinced by her.

Not only did he say it, he said everything.

Li Beijue was rarely pushed to this point. Usually, in negotiations, he was the one who pushed the other party to the point where they had no way out and needed to confess.

But this woman had the ability to make him give in easily.

Fortunately, he can only lose to her in this life!

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