Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2362 snatched the necklace without hesitation

"Hey, Li Beijue..." Chi Enen stretched out his hand to grab it but failed to grab it. He stretched out his hand in frustration, "Give it back to me."

He had already thrown the diamond necklace into his pocket like a pickle, avoiding Chi Enen's grabbing hand, and said confidently, "You have to pay it back anyway, I will pay the same thing!"

While avoiding Chi Enen's hand, he grabbed her wrist. His eyes suddenly darkened and his Adam's apple rolled, "Do you mean that you don't plan to pay it back?"

Chi Enen rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand towards him, "Of course I want to pay it back, but I can pay it back myself. I don't need you to pay it back for me. Li Beijue, give it back to me."

How could he be asked to pay it back?

Every time he collided with Nishizawa, he felt like a comet hitting the earth and wanted to fight with others.

It was a good thing, but she didn't want to be embarrassed by him.

The domineering man turned sideways to avoid her hand, grabbed both of her hands, and refused to refuse, "I can't let you have contact with him alone anymore. I'll give it back to you, don't even think about it! At most! I'll return it for you, or I'll throw it into the trash can and let Huo Yi take it out and throw it away! You make your own choice."

She chose to throw him into the trash can and let Butler Huo take it out and throw it away!

Chi En'en was so angry that she didn't really say it. If she did, don't worry, the diamond necklace would definitely not be saved. But when she admitted it, she was depressed again, "Didn't you meet Linnai alone? You also went to the hotel. Xize Lie and I haven't met alone yet, and Chi Baobao is also here!"

"I'm not familiar with that woman!"

"I know Xize Lie very well?" Is he being unreasonable?

Facts have proved that Li Beijue is really unreasonable when he is unreasonable. He raised his chin and touched his thin rose lips up and down, "I don't care, Xize Lie can't do it anyway."

Chi Enen really wanted to push him into the toilet, "Where's Lin Nai? Is Lin Nai okay?"

"Chi Enen, don't make unreasonable troubles. That woman and I are completely different from you and Xize Lie!" He also frowned and said with a serious look.

Chi Enen really wanted to slap him twice. He was the one who made trouble unreasonably, okay?

"I think it's all the same, there's no difference."

Does she care so much about the diamond necklace Nishizawa Lie gave her? Li Beijue took a deep breath and his eyes darkened, "I won't return the necklace to you, whatever you say. If you want it, I'll take you to buy one tomorrow. You can have whatever you want."

The gift from Retsu Nishizawa will definitely not work!

"That's not what I meant. I want myself..."

"I won't give it back to you!" He interrupted her arrogantly and emphasized again through gritted teeth, "You don't even have to think about it!"

"Li Beijue, are you being unreasonable?"

He let go of his hand, stood up calmly, and said, "Whatever you say, as long as you don't want the necklace, you can say whatever you like."

"You pig head!"

The noble man suddenly turned around and gritted his teeth tightly, as if he wanted to bite her flesh. He held back for a while and said, "Whatever you say, I won't give it back to you anyway. Chi Enen , stop dreaming."


He even called him a pig head, but he still couldn't hold it back... Chi Enen had given up hope on that necklace. She thought in her mind that she might as well send a text message to Nishizawa Lie saying that he had lost the necklace, lest he actually take the necklace to return it.

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