Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2364 Reconciliation as before

She said it seriously, and the originally impatient man couldn't help but listen. His tense jawline relaxed a little, and he pulled her over, "I know."

He knew she would be uncomfortable.

Because he had already experienced the discomfort just now.

I can still recall the feeling that my heart was about to die.

"I have nothing to do with that woman. I will pay attention to it in the future."

Anyway, he already had someone take a look at that woman.

Just because she dared to go behind her back to find Chi Enen, and talked nonsense to Chi Enen, and she dared to hide it from him afterwards, lying to him that she hadn't met Chi Enen, was enough for him to crush that woman to death. .

But that woman is still useful...

She had hurt Chi Enen so much before, even if she was asked to help Chi Enen block the knife, it was still right!

He pulled Chi Enen onto the bed, trapped her domineeringly, and put his head on top of Chi Enen's head, just like a lion, completely trapping her domineeringly, "Okay, sleep. !”


All the misunderstandings were resolved, and Chi Enen's mood recovered a lot. Although she was uncomfortable being held, she still let him hold her, pressed against his chest, and listened to his strong heartbeat.

Just as she closed her eyes, trying to sleep, she heard his hoarse voice above her head, "Chi Enen, I want to hear you talk."

Her nerves had been highly tense all day, but now she was relaxed, her head was dizzy, and she muttered without opening her eyes, "What did you say?"

Li Beijue turned over, changed his position and hugged her, hugged her tighter, and said, "You can say anything."

He just wanted to hear her voice.

Only in this way can he feel like he truly owns her.

Otherwise, as soon as he closed his eyes, the suffocation feeling left in his heart would come back, and he wouldn't be able to sleep at all...

Chi Enen reluctantly opened her eyes. The lights in the bedroom were dim, looking at her as she wanted to sleep. She drooped her eyelids and said in a slow voice, "A long time ago, there was a very ancient country. The king and the queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter. When the little princess was born, her skin was as white as an angel. .So the king named the little princess Snow White. Unfortunately, the queen died not long after giving birth to Snow White. The king married a new queen, who was very beautiful but had a weird temper. , she also has a magical mirror..."

She told the story in exactly the same tone as a bedtime story for Nono.

She has told this story of Snow White to Chi Baobao many times, and to Nono again, she almost memorized it. Closing her eyes didn't affect her telling the story. Chi Enen yawned, closed her eyes, and continued to speak in a slow tone.

Although Li Beijue had objections to the story of Snow White, her soft voice was all in his ears, and with her in his arms, the uneasiness immediately faded a lot. He closed his eyes and began to feel sleepy...

Chi Enen herself didn't know how long she had been talking. She relied entirely on perseverance to keep herself from falling asleep in the middle. Finally she finished the last sentence, "The prince and the princess lived happily together from then on..."

Then he yawned, opened his eyes, and checked vaguely. After making sure that the breathing of the people around her had calmed down, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep...

The night is still very long.

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