Because these photos are all intimate... bed photos of her and Li Beijue.

The scale is jaw-dropping.

After Chi Enen finished admiring each photo, she put down the photos and waited for her next post.

Lin Nai did not disappoint her, and immediately began to say impatiently, "Well, I know you don't believe me, so I let you see these photos. The child in my belly is definitely Mr. Li's, and these photos are can prove."

"Do you remember that Mr. Li went back very late during that time? I told you at the banquet last time that Mr. Li was actually with me. We..." Lin Nai looked shy and lowered her head. , raised his head sweetly and sadly and said, "I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn't control myself. Well, I'm sorry. I was wrong. There is nothing wrong with liking someone."

"Linnai, do you still want to be embarrassed?" She rarely spoke to anyone in a particularly rude tone, but to Linnai, she really couldn't be polite.

If others were scolded, they would have become angry. But Lin Nai didn't. Not only was she not angry, she was also a little happy after seeing that Chi Enen was finally not as calm as before. Chi Enen scolded her, which showed that he cared. She couldn't show that she was happy, so she pretended to cover up the corners of her mouth that were about to rise. The consequence of this was that the corners of her mouth wanted to raise again, and then desperately wanted to put them down, and the whole thing turned into a strange twitching Her state, coupled with the hypocritical guilt on her face, couldn't be more fake. But Lin Nai didn't think so. She thought she had good control. She wiped away the tears that were not there at all and apologized with her crimson eyes, "Well, don't be angry. I know what I did was wrong. This matter It has nothing to do with Mr. Li, everything is because of me."

"I'm shameless and fell in love with my brother-in-law. Well, I really like him, and my heart aches. I know, it's too much for me to tell you this. I didn't think about what to do, I When I found you at the banquet that day, I just wanted to provoke you a few words because I was still feeling a little uncomfortable. In fact, I didn't want to do anything at all."

"You 'meddle' in other people's marriages, and you still feel uncomfortable?" Chi Enen sneered, not understanding her logic.

How self-centered does she have to be to have the shame to say such a thing?

Wouldn't she blush when she said this herself?

Lin Nai really didn't blush. She had become shameless just to fly up the branch. How can I blush when I have no skin left. But she still wanted to show Chi Enen a blushing look, and explained awkwardly, "Because I like someone, I want to have him. I can't help myself from being jealous of you."

"You like other people's husbands and want to have other people's husbands, and you still think it's because you like them. You're naturally uncomfortable and are looking for trouble for others?" Chi Enen stood up, stared at her condescendingly, and spoke word by word. He said indifferently, "Linnai, please don't insult the word "like". "Like" doesn't offend you, so don't throw any dirty water on "Like". Have you asked "Like" for his opinion?

These words really left no face for her. It could be said to be a direct slap on Lin Nai's face.

Beat it crisply and loudly.

Lin Nai was overwhelmed by her powerful aura and had no place to hide. For a moment, she felt that her ugly face could no longer be hidden.

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