Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2373 Refreshed her understanding

She could imagine how Lin Nai was suffering these past few days.

Li Beijue probably stimulated her yesterday, otherwise Lin Nai wouldn't have been driven to the point of jumping over the wall and coming up with such a childish trick.

"What do you mean? Stop pretending! These photos are real, taken by me. Why do you say that my photos were computer-generated? What evidence do you have?" Lin Nai was taken by her. One phone call stepped on a sore foot, and he gave a fierce rebuttal that was both embarrassing and awkward.

It seemed that the only way to avoid falling behind in front of Chi Enen was by shouting.

Her voice was too loud, alarming Huo Yi outside the door.

Huo Yi rushed in immediately, "Young Madam!"

"I'm fine."

After he confirmed that Chi Enen was unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief and gave Lin Nai a warning look.

Chi Enen gave her another photo and threw it on her desk, "Because of this!"

"What is this?" Linnai asked while picking up the photos on the table. After she saw clearly what was in the photo, her expression suddenly changed. She raised her head suddenly, held up the photo and asked, "How come you have this?"

"Did you file a complaint against me with Mr. Li yesterday?"

"Chi Enen, are you shameless!"

She was so angry and anxious that she blurted out curse words.

Huo Yi's face darkened and he scolded sternly, "Miss Lin, please pay attention to your words!"

"But she..." Lin Nai was furious and was about to refute. But when his eyes touched Huo Yi's gloomy expression, he was frightened again, and the words in his throat were blocked.

She is afraid of everyone, but relying on her family relationship, she is not afraid of Chi Enen.

Chi Enen finally figured out what kind of person she was. She was exactly the same as her mother. They relied on that relationship and naturally felt that she could take advantage of her.

Chi Enen picked up a photo, looked at it, and said indifferently, "You said those bed photos of Li Beijue in your hand are real, then why did you ask the paparazzi to secretly take these photos?"

"You can take these photos and just ask the paparazzi to expose them. This will cause a greater sensation and you will get more benefits. Maybe the old man will also know that someone like you exists. Didn't you say that you have Are you pregnant with Li Beijue's flesh and blood? Mother is more valuable than son, maybe the old man can arrange a special place for you and have someone take care of you."

Huo Yi had been outside just now. The sound insulation effect of the presidential suite was very good, and he could hardly hear what was said inside. If it weren't for Linnai's uncontrollable yelling, he wouldn't have rushed in.

Now when he heard Chi Enen talking about photos and children, he was confused at first and didn't understand anything about chairs. Scanning the ground again, I saw the photos scattered on the ground. His expression suddenly changed, and he looked at her with a look that wanted to shoot Lin Nai. Those eyes were so sharp that he wanted to hang her.

Lin Nai felt particularly guilty when Huo Yi saw him, and his neck shrank subconsciously, secretly hating that Chi Enen had become smarter. He quibbled, "I didn't expect it..."

"You thought of showing me the doctor's certificate. How could you not have thought of this? Linnaeus, what do you think I am, a kindergarten kid? You said the clouds in the sky are black, but I think the clouds in the sky are black. Black? You think too highly of yourself." She said word by word, "I never believed you from beginning to end. I came here just to see how shameless you can be. You successfully refreshed me. cognition.”

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