Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2376 Chi Enen, you said you should believe me!

Lin Nai curled up into a ball in pain, trembling and holding her stomach, "My stomach...my stomach hurts..."

"Your stomach? Besides garbage, what else is there in your stomach?" He stared at Lin Nai on the ground with eagle eyes, unmoved, "You asked Chi Enen to give me to you, you asked me Do you mean anything? What do you think I am, a rag collector?"

In his eyes, she wasn't even considered a rag!

After Li Beijue dumped her coldly, he didn't even bother to look at her, turned around and grabbed Chi Enen's hand, "Those photos were all forged by her, I never touched a finger of hers! You can’t believe it!”

The first part is still an explanation, but the second part of 'don't believe it' is completely overbearing.

Chi Enen said dumbfounded, "I didn't believe it in the first place."

She felt a little uncomfortable being held and struggled for a moment, "Li Beijue, please let go of my hand first. Your palms are all sweaty and it makes me feel uncomfortable when you squeeze them."

"I won't let go." He held on tightly, almost like a tyrant, and glared at her, "Chi Enen, you said you believe me!"

Chi Enen was puzzled by his glare and looked back, "I believed you. I was just uncomfortable with the sweat in your palms and asked you to let go of my hands. There is no relationship at all between the two. ?”

"I said yes! You believe me, why do you want me to let go?"

"..." His emotional logic is that if you let him hold on, you believe in him, and if you don't let him hold on, you don't believe in him?

Seeing that she stopped struggling, Li Beijue felt a little better. He glanced at Huo Yi and frowned, "Take care of her."

Processing, two simple words, said calmly.

What it actually means is that Linnaeus no longer needs to appear in country W in the future.

He did want to use this woman to divert some people's attention from Chi Enen, but now he has changed his mind. This woman is so capable, she is just trying to trick her into committing suicide!

He couldn't keep her by his side anymore, otherwise if she dared to forge photos, cover her belly and open her mouth to say she was pregnant with his child, she might dare to do something to Chi Enen in the future.

Linnaeus is pregnant?

How could she be pregnant with his child when he hadn't even touched hers with a finger?

Pregnant in a dream?

Lin Nai, who was curled up on the ground, heard his cold voice and was frightened to death. His face turned pale and cold sweat covered his forehead.

Her eyes widened in horror, and she kept saying, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li... I'm sorry... don't deal with me, no, I won't dare to do it again."

Her stomach hurt really badly. Lin Nai held her stomach while struggling to get up. But her stomach hurt so much that she couldn't get up at all. Sweat mixed with tears fell down, and her voice was crying, "Mr. Li, I really don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I will be good from now on. I don't want to die... I really don't want to die... "

It turned out that she had misunderstood. She thought Li Beijue meant to kill her.

She thinks too much.

Even if Li Beijue is powerful, he can't just kill anyone. If you press someone to death, you still need to deal with it properly later.

For Linnai, he didn't even have the intention to collect the body.

So I didn't even bother to let her die.

If there are so many ways to live a life that is worse than death, why should he cause trouble for himself?

"I don't want it...I don't dare to do it anymore..."

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