Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2380 It’s not about letting Lin Nai go.

Chi Enen had a headache from his quarrel. He rubbed his temples and said, "Look at her skirt."

Li Beijue followed what she said and looked over - he saw that the beautiful starry sky evening dress had been stained with blood at some point. The blood was bright red and extremely dazzling.

Huo Yi also saw it and was surprised, "This is..."

Why didn't he notice this just now?

Could this be...

Lin Nai kept looking at Chi Enen nervously, waiting for her to help him, while guarding Huo Yi vigilantly, fearing that Huo Yi would cut off her tongue without saying anything. Under extreme mental stress, my nerves were paralyzed. She felt a stomachache before, but now she didn't feel any pain at all.

She pricked up her ears and heard Chi Enen talking about her skirt.

She subconsciously lowered her head and took a look. When she saw the blood on her skirt, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes a little dazed.

Then, as if he had reacted, he stretched out his hand, touched the blood on the skirt, and then opened his hands. The blood stains on her fingers became particularly dazzling. She stared at the red mass on her palms, screamed, and realized, "My belly...my belly..."

She thought she was not pregnant and thought the doctor had taken her money to help her forge a pregnancy certificate.

But what's on the skirt?

Where did the blood come from?

This time is not the day for her to visit her aunt at all. It cannot be her aunt... Then it can only be...

Linnai's mind went blank. She couldn't remember who the child's father was, but she could clearly feel that something was rapidly draining from her stomach.

She may not have loved the child much, but when she was extremely nervous and panicked, when she found out she was pregnant, her first reaction was still the instinctive reaction of a woman - to protect the child!

Her tears fell all over the floor, and she shouted to Chi Enen in a crying voice, "Save my child, Enen, save my child..."

Li Beijue didn't expect that Lin Nai was really pregnant. His first reaction was to look at Chi Enen. He was afraid that Chi Enen would misunderstand that the child in Lin Nai's belly was his.

Fortunately, Chi Enen didn't think about it and told Huo Yi, "Housekeeper Huo, call 120 for me."

"Yes, young lady."

Although Huo Yi didn't like Lin Nai, he had the same attitude as Chi Enen when it came to innocent lives. He felt that little lives were innocent.

Li Beijue is different. He doesn't have so many views and sympathy. His three views are Chi Enen! Lin Nai caused so many things, which in his eyes was an unforgivable crime. He didn't care whether Lin Nai was pregnant or whose child she was carrying.

"You want to let her go?" This is the only thing he cares about!

Letting Linnai go means waiting for this woman to catch her breath, and then she will come up with new tricks.

He only cares about her safety!

Chi Enen seemed to see through what he was thinking and rolled her eyes at him, "Who said that? I just asked Butler Huo to call 120 to see if the child could be saved first. But whether she can be saved or not, it is her fault. I will do my best and be clear about my conscience. From now on, no matter whether this child is saved or not, I don’t want to see her in country W. I will send her back to Lin City and find someone to watch her and not let her go. She makes trouble again.”

"Linnai is right about one thing. My grandpa only has one granddaughter, so even for my grandpa's sake, I won't really do anything to her."

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