Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2382 I am ready to wait for her

"vomit -" Chi Enen retched violently, but apart from nausea, she couldn't actually vomit anything. She just felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

She was holding it back so hard that she choked with tears. After a fit of coughing, she didn't forget to retort to someone, "Why don't you scream?"

"You can ask Huo Yi, I usually drive 120 mph."

He drove 90 miles today just to take care of her.

Who knew she still got carsick?

Chi Enen was speechless and felt so uncomfortable in her stomach that she didn't want to pay attention to him at all. Simply close your eyes and adjust yourself.

Li Beijue looked at the pale side of her fair face and already regretted it. He pursed his thin lips, stretched out his hand as if by accident, and clumsily patted her back twice.

He didn't know how to take care of others. He originally wanted to help Chi Enen feel better, but he was too harsh. Chi Enen even suspected that he was taking the opportunity to abuse herself.

Fortunately, Li Beijue himself realized that he had struck too hard, so he tiptoed and moved lightly.

He silently helped Chi Enen calm down until Chi Enen was embarrassed and called him, "Okay, Li Beijue, I'm fine."

"Is everything really okay?" He frowned, not quite believing it yet.

Chi Enen raised his hands, "Really, I swear."

He just put away his hand and muttered with displeasure on his handsome face, "I told you to eat more, eat more, but you didn't listen every time. It's strange that if you eat a little, your health will be better."

His voice wasn't loud, but it wasn't so loud that Chi Enen couldn't hear it when they were standing so close.

Chi Enen's mouth twitched and said, "I've eaten a lot, but my stomach is only so big. What can I do?"

"The stomach is made to expand. If you eat more, you will get bigger."

What kind of fallacy is this? He thinks his stomach is a balloon, and the bigger it is, the better? Even if the stomach is really a balloon, the balloon can easily explode if too much air is blown into it.

Chi Enen couldn't explain to him, so he simply stopped and said, "By the way, Li Beijue, why did you bring me here?"

"here it is……"

"Detention center." The man with a sullen face, who was unhappy with her poor health, said solemnly. He raised his arm, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and said, "It's almost time."

"Let's go."

"What time?"

Chi Enen's left hand was already held by him, and his fingers were clasped tightly.

Had to keep up with him.

He was tall and had long legs, and the wind carried him when he walked. At the normal speed, Chi Enen had to trot to catch up with him. But unexpectedly, this time he seemed to have deliberately paid attention to his walking speed, which was much slower. He was basically walking at her speed, and Chi Enen kept up with him effortlessly.

He should have said hello to the person here long ago. After seeing his ID, the other person immediately led him inside.

"Mr. Li, this way."

After walking all the way through the corridor, I finally stopped at the door of a room.

The person who led them over whispered to the guard for a while, and the guard opened the door for them, "You two, sit inside first, and I will help you make arrangements right away."


Li Beijue held Chi Enen's hand tighter and pulled her inside, "Come on, let's go in."


Chi Enen followed him in, only to find that it was a room for prison visitors. There are cameras all around, and from the moment they enter, they are all under surveillance.

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