Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 239 Si Chen Was Severely Dumped by a Woman!

As the night gradually falls, the willow branches are swayed by the breeze, and the soft willow branches sway with the wind, as if dancing, soaked in the bright moonlight, and the moonlight floats on the willow branches, leaning into the casement from time to time.

No. 602, Yahe Community.

The man who was more charming than the moonlight was lying back on the balcony chair, with a mobile phone by his ear, and his thin lips curled up from time to time, as if he was listening to the most beautiful song in the world.

In front of him was a glass of brandy, the white color caught the eye, and it was not ordinary wine at first glance.

Li Beijue heard the voice on the other side of the phone gradually decrease, turning into steady breathing, and he lowered his arm that had been raised all night. Putting the phone on the table, picked up the brandy, and took a sip noblely.

The dull pain in the temple was relieved by the little woman's steady breathing, and sleepiness struck.

He stood up, picked up his phone, his slender legs were even more attractive than a male model!

Just walked back to the bedroom.

Another phone rang.

Li Beijue frowned suddenly!

He quickly picked up the phone, put the phone he was talking with Chi Enen in the bedroom, closed the door, and walked out. Only then did he care about the person on the other side of the phone.


Si Chen smiled wryly, and muttered unconvinced, "My lord, do you want to be so ruthless? Before when you couldn't sleep at night, I chatted with you all night long. This is the first time I've talked to you late at night Call, you have this attitude..."

"Ruthless should be to find something for you to pass the time late at night, not to listen to your nagging!"

For example, re-auction the piece of land that he managed to get!

Si Chen apparently remembered the lesson from last time, and quickly interrupted him, "Yes, yes, yes, my fault is that my ideological awareness is not high enough."

Li Beijue sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of water, relaxed his brows, and asked, "What happened?"

He knew Si Chen well. Si Chen usually seemed unreliable, but he was a very calm man in the mall. If it's okay, Si Chen won't call at night.

"I got dumped."

He got dumped?

Li Beijue wanted to take back what he said just now, he should have hung up the phone immediately and sent a text message asking Huo Yi to sell the land!

"I was dumped mercilessly by a woman! She dumped me mercilessly and didn't give me any face." Si Chen said bitterly.

Li Beijue suppressed his impatience, "Aren't you often dumped by women?"

"That's different. I wanted them to dump me on purpose. But this, I was dumped by her before I had the idea."

Not only dumped, but also took a handsome guy Xiao Xianrou to show off in front of him in public, and put a cuckold on him fiercely. After angering him, she went to the door, but she didn't ask for an explanation, and she even broke up unilaterally! What he didn't expect was that the woman came for real and threw all his clothes, books, and cups out.

He thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out, and his heart was blocked like never before.

So I called Li Beijue.

"Congratulations." After hearing what he said, Li Beijue threw the word away without moving the corner of his mouth.

"...Do you have to poke your heart like this?"

Si Chen regretted making this call a little bit, and became even more irritable. He raised his head and drank the vodka in front of him in one gulp.

"I told you a long time ago, don't mess around with so many women, you never listen. This time, I met a woman who messed around like you, and it happened to teach you a long lesson."

He didn't understand, what's the good of having so many women? It's annoying to watch!

The quantity is large, but the quality is not good. No woman with him looks pleasing to the eye!

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