Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2388 But what does it have to do with him now?

Li Qiyun put down her pride and dignity, finally finished speaking with difficulty, and looked at him expectantly.

Li Beijue's side face was stern, but did not change in any way because of her words. He looked into her expectant eyes and said, "No."


Li Beijue interrupted her and said directly, "You said it yourself, you will pay a corresponding price for your actions. Why should I let that man go for the sake of the price you should pay?"

He frowned and continued, "He and I, it's not a question of who lets go of whom. Now we can't let whom go!"

He and Aos were no longer a personal grudge, but now it was a matter of family interests.

Oss should also know very well, otherwise he would not jump out automatically. That time, the matter of Chi Enen's voice was revealed to the media and he officially declared war on him.

He now doubts whether the accident Chi Enen encountered in Mauritius was caused by Os.

Since he last saw that man, he had a strong intuition—Oss was just temporarily pushed out to top the bag!

After all, he still knows Oss well. Oss is a very smart person.

Although he is not as smart as him, he is very good at weighing the pros and cons. He must have weighed everything before doing anything.

He was sure that Aos didn't know about the black network before, otherwise he would have taken action against Chi Enen long ago.

If he didn't know it before, why did he suddenly know it again? Suddenly stood up and took over the affairs of Mauritius? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't make sense.

There is only one possible explanation - after the accident, they did not expect that Chi Enen did not fall with the elevator as they expected. He started to investigate the matter again, in order to prevent the person behind it from being exposed. The man behind the scenes found Ao Si, and I don't know what he used to convince Ao Si, so that Ao Si willingly stood up and took the blame.

The person behind this is Os's stepfather.

Now it seems that the condition for him to convince Ao Si to stand up should be - Li Qiyun!

A hint of evil flashed across Li Beijue's heroic face.

Last time, he teamed up with Jin Zhiyuan and severely manipulated the Os family, causing huge losses to the Os family. Li Qiyun should be blamed by everyone in the Os family. But looking at Li Qiyun, she didn't feel any pressure at all.

She didn't feel pressure, which only meant that someone helped her block the pressure.

And besides Os, he couldn't think of anyone else who could do this, who could possibly do this.

The reason why Aosneng willingly stood up and took the blame was because he could not think of any other reasonable explanation except that he had reached a certain deal with his stepfather for Li Qiyun.

Unexpectedly, that man was sincere to Li Qiyun.

In the past, he thought that the man only regarded Li Qiyun as a suitable marriage partner for the benefit of the family.

Now it seems that things are not as complicated as he thought.

No matter how difficult it is to understand people, it will become easier to like someone. ,

It's a pity that, judging from Li Qiyun's appearance, I'm afraid she still doesn't know this love until now.

He has no interest in getting involved in other people's love affairs, especially this person is Os. If Li Qiyun hadn't done a series of disappointing things before, he might still pay attention to this and be willing to spend some energy to enlighten her. But now... what does it have to do with him?

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