Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2399 Watch a love movie with him

The steady flow of heat from his hands dispelled the fear in his heart. Chi Enen gradually calmed down and focused on the big screen.

Watching movies on the 3DMAIX big screen is exciting.

Chi Enen gradually devoted herself to the movie.

The film doesn't seem very attractive at first, but the more you watch it towards the end, the more interesting it becomes.

He chose a romance movie.

But it's not an ordinary romance movie.

It is about a man named Eli, who is in his thirties, handsome and has a successful career. But Avery has a little-known hobby - pedophilia.

He doesn't like mature and beautiful women of his own age, but he has a soft spot for teenage girls. One day, Avery moved to a new residence due to work reasons. When he went to say hello to his neighbor's house next door, he accidentally discovered his neighbor's daughter lying on the lawn with bare feet reading a book. There were still drops of water on the lawn after the rain. The girl lying on the lawn looked like an angel under the sunlight. He fell in love with the girl at first sight. My heart is pounding.

Later, in order to see the girl more, he chose to marry the girl's mother.

In an accident, the girl's mother passed away. The girl lost her only relative and was left alone. She relies on Avery, lives and studies with Avery. That was Avery's happiest time. Unfortunately, good times are always short-lived. As the girl grows up, she begins to not need him. Avery began to hang out with other men outside, and Aili endured all this, just hoping that she would not leave him. But no matter how much he endured it, that day still happened.

The girl ran away from home without saying anything.

That day, Eli went crazy.

He searched frantically throughout the city, but could not find any trace of the girl. The girl seemed to have disappeared.

Everything before was like a dream.

He returned to a lonely and empty life.

Until a few years later, he suddenly received a call from a girl who had run away from home.

He traveled across mountains and rivers to find the girl he loved, only to find that she had already married another man and was pregnant.

She is no longer the young girl he likes, and has become mature, bloated and a philistine. However, he sadly discovered that he still loved that girl.

He asked her if she wanted to go with him, but the girl only asked him for money and told him that she loved something else. And from the beginning, she knew that Avery didn't like her mother, he liked her. She just didn't say anything on purpose and watched Avery go crazy for herself.

At the end of the movie, Avery left all his money to the girl and left with scars and fatigue all over his body. The sunset lengthened his figure, and time seemed to have returned to the beginning. He moved to a new place. When I was staying at my apartment, I accidentally saw the girl next door, and my heart skipped a beat at that moment...

In this movie, the emotions of the characters are very restrained, and all the characters carefully hide their feelings.

The male protagonist's love for the girl, the girl's teasing by the male protagonist, and the girl's mother's surprise and sadness when she found out that the male protagonist likes her daughter are all written in a very subtle way.

But Chi Enen still understood.

The soundtrack and images of the movie are very beautiful. If the ending of the story were not so sad, it would be completely impossible to tell that this is a tragedy.

When she first watched it, she thought it was a fresh romance film.

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