Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2402 I just don’t want to get married

"That's just what you think. Chi Jingchen doesn't think it's boring for him and Nuonuo to play together." Li Beijue said casually, stood up by the way, patted the popcorn that Chi Enen had just caught on his body and said, "Yes For him, only computers don’t make him bored. With a computer, he can play anywhere.”

He had already discovered that Chi Baobao was an IT genius, and the old man had also discovered it, so he always asked Huo Yi to tutor Chi Baobao privately.

After all, Huo Yi himself is also a master in software. Although he is not as talented as Chi Jingchen, Chi Jingchen is only ten years old now, and Huo Yi is more than enough to teach him.

"But with Nono at home, there is always one more person, and Baby Chi won't be so lonely."

"..." Li Beijue wanted to tell her that the world of geniuses is different from the world of ordinary people. A genius's time is never wasted. Because I am smart enough, I can learn enough things and be interested in enough things. The focus is different from that of ordinary people, and there is no time to be alone.

However, he pursed his thin lips, and a flash of thought flashed through his eagle eyes.

Chi Jingchen is a little different from when he was a child. In addition to being interested in various numbers and knowledge, he was not interested in cartoons, short-lived TV series, or games.

I don't like to interact with children of the same age.

I basically walk alone every day.

Chi Jingchen is different. He at least likes some things that children of the same age like.

So maybe what Chi Enen said is that Chi Jingchen will feel less lonely if Nuonuo is here.

"When will Nono come back?" He decided to ask anyway.

Chi Enen thought for a while and said, "Probably this week. Grandma called me before and said that she was going to go back to country T. If I let Nono stay with her for another week, she will leave. Then I will let my uncle take care of her. Nono sent it back."

Old Mrs. Habsden stayed in country W for a month, but she still couldn't capture her uncle.

Now the two of them were unhappy again over the matter of not dating each other. The old lady used the trick of running away in anger for the 108th time to force her uncle to compromise.

Chi Enen was about to burst into tears when she was caught between the two of them.

One of them is anxious to death every day, wanting his son to get married.

One of them has a full schedule of work every day and refuses to spare any extra time. He refuses to get married or go on a blind date. But outside, pink scandals are flying all over the place, and from time to time there is news about a confidante.

The former diva star's new love, Linna, offended Chi Enen on the TV station and asked Chi Enen to clean her shoes. When Quan Dongting found out, she was completely shocked.

Now there are rumors that he is dating a beautiful lawyer with a high IQ. I don’t know if it is true.

In fact, Chi Enen can understand why the old lady is so anxious, and so does the younger uncle. Even if he can't have children, what does it have to do with getting married?

He has been rumored to be in a relationship, but he has never brought anyone home to show his grandmother. Grandma was so excited that she couldn't be in a hurry.

In fact, as long as my uncle likes it, grandma is not a rigid and feudal person who insists on being a good match.

Even she couldn't figure out why her uncle didn't take the female orthopedic doctor she saw before to her grandma. I would rather fight against my grandma's wits and courage to resist the blind date again and again, and never let go...

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