Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2420 Can’t get through Chi Baobao’s cell phone

At the beginning, he just played his own way, regardless of whether there was a jungle assassin in the team. He eats up most of the experience in the jungle first, and develops his own regardless of whether there is anyone in charge of the bottom lane. But the amazing thing is that he wanders around the map, and every time he can cleverly avoid the opponent's assassins to arrest people. Either he is hiding in the grass without the other party noticing, or else he seems to know that the opponent is coming to arrest him. The same thing, eat the wild monsters, and immediately return to the city to let the opponent defeat them...

In just the first few minutes, no matter how well their side plays, his economy is far ahead and his development should not be too good.

After finishing two rounds of killing monsters and stealing a few monsters from the opponent, his teammates were all madly complaining about him in the team channel.

He calmly controlled Luban and began to provide support from all directions.

After taking down a few heads with residual health, Luban soared into the sky, and the opponent had no way to limit his output.

Several teammates also shut up after seeing how fierce his operation was, and began to focus on him, using a 4-guarante-1 play style to fight against the opponent, and demolished the opponent's crystal along the way.

Seeing that the other party's crystal is about to be dismantled.

I don’t know if the opponent’s monkey was offended. He said something like [You can lose in team battles, but Lu Ban must die] on the public channel, and then started to circle around crazily to kill Li Beijue.

Monkey is a hero with strong displacement and strong burst.

The opponent's monkey gained a lot of advantages and kills in the early stage. Although in the later stage, after Li Beijue's Luban developed, he was basically pressed to the ground and rubbed, but if he really got hit by him, it would be no problem to kill any crispy one in an instant.

Four other teammates were also entangled.

Chi Enen's palms were so nervous that they were sweating. Seeing that the opponent's monkey had already rushed into the crowd and hit little Luban with his face, she thought Luban was dead.

Unexpectedly, the hand speed was too fast. As if it was expected, the two pieces of equipment for movement and blood increase were thrown away and replaced with golden body and resurrection.

After the monkey knocked him, Luban, who was hit, did not fall to the ground and there was still a trace of blood. With this trace of blood, the monkey was beaten to a pulp.

After the monkey hits the head with a stick and prepares to run, he resurrects on the spot, flashes out, and takes the monkey's head.

This wave of operations stunned the opponent.

The opponent lacked a main output, and could only watch helplessly as he was harvested by the unbeatable Luban.

Five in a row!

Win the game!

The most awesome thing is that, as the easiest to die, the most hateful, and the opponent has assassins, the Luban he took actually never died once.

His operational awareness is simply that of a king, not inferior to those of professional e-sports players.

Chi Enen was dumbfounded, and Li Beijue had already started the next game calmly. She glanced at the time on the wall. It was almost half past nine.

Why hasn’t Chi Baobao come back yet?

She broke away from the man's arms a little uneasily and said softly, "I'm going to call Baby Chi and come back later."

The domineering man let go of his hand.

Chi Enen got up from the sofa, found her cell phone, walked to the balcony, and dialed Chi Baobao's phone number.

After the phone beeped a few times, it was smashed.

When she called again, her phone had been turned off.


Chi Enen frowned and called Huo Yi again. This time, he couldn't even get through. The phone directly displayed was not in the service area...

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