Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2440 The whole day is full of arrangements

Huo Yi wordlessly turned on the large blue-ray TV in the living room for her and tuned it to the morning news channel.

This was the habit of having breakfast when Li Beijue was here.

Now that he was not at home, Huo Yi still followed his habit and turned on the TV for Chi Enen.

The crisp voice of the announcer and host on the TV brought back Chi Enen's distracted consciousness...

Just listen to the female host on the TV announcing in a calm tone, "Several vicious conflicts have occurred in Country Y in recent times. The violent conflict in the neighborhood last night once again caused casualties, 3 died, 16 Injured. According to the police propaganda department, the casualties were all from both parties involved in the violent conflict, and there were no ordinary civilian casualties...

According to our station's investigation, these several vicious conflicts are all related to a private black family. Recently, the second generation of this family seems to be competing for the right to inherit the family, and fierce conflicts broke out between the two parties, which led to these tragic casualties.

This black family tree has deep roots, many branches of power, and connections with the political and business circles. If the family feud worsens again, it may affect the political and financial circles of Country Y. I hope that the internal fighting within the family can be resolved as soon as possible and will not cause huge turmoil to Country Y. "

Family, infighting, bloody violence...

Chi Enen almost dropped the spoon in her hand, and the image of the man she hadn't seen for a long time appeared in her mind.

Xize Lie...

She remembered that before he left, he said that he had something to do at home and would be away for a while.

The last time his driver found her, when she saw him in the villa, he also had gunshot wounds.

So the black family mentioned in the news refers to the Nishizawa family?

Chi Enen is very aware of the power of the Nishizawa family in Country Y and the position of the Nishizawa family.

The Nishizawa family completely fits the description of the huge black family in the news.

Chi Enen couldn't help but clenched the spoon in her hand, and a trace of worry flashed across her eyebrows.

She was worried about Xize Lie not because she had any improper feelings for him, but out of concern for her friends and people who were kind to her.

Xize Lie had saved Nono and helped her more than once, and she didn't want anything to happen to Xize Lie.

Chi Enen pursed his lips and stared at the TV. The host on the TV is already announcing the next news. Chi Enen took a deep breath and called Quan Dongting.

When she finished the phone call and came back to have breakfast, the breakfast porridge was already cold.

Huo Yi helped her take it to the microwave and heated it up before serving it to her.

"Young lady, let's eat first."

After Chi Enen talked to Quan Dongting, he felt a lot more relaxed. He hummed, picked up the spoon, and started eating breakfast. She didn't just have nothing to do today, she still had to work. After work, she has to pick up her baby Chi from school and take her to eat the pineapple rice that she didn't eat yesterday. When she came back in the evening, she even agreed to make a video call with someone... All in all, she had a full schedule throughout the day, and there was almost no personal time left.

Chi Enen is a very self-disciplined person. After finishing her breakfast, she immediately pulled out her chair, stood up and said to Huo Yi, "Housekeeper Huo, I'm done eating. I'm going to do my work first."

"Okay, young lady, go ahead. I'll make you a cup of coffee later." Huo Yi bent down and started to clear the dining table.


After Chi Enen finished speaking, he walked towards the study...

Ryan's meeting was at 10:30 in the morning, and it was now 10:25. She had to quickly turn on the computer and prepare what she needed.

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