Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2443 An Xin wants to see Si Chen’s mother?

Lin Anxin and she have been friends for so many years. Even if Chi Enen didn't say anything, she could tell what Chi Enen wanted to say.

She lowered her head depressedly, looked at her outfit, raised her head again, and said, "Today I asked Shanni to find the most awesome stylist in the circle to help me with my outfit. Now this outfit is the most popular small white flower suit in the upper class circle. You didn't even see it. Chi Enen, where are your eyes?"

The small white flower suit...

Chi Enen's mouth twitched, and her eyes fell on the CUCU suit she was wearing.

It seems that Chi Ya liked this brand of clothes very much in the past.

She has also seen Sheng Aiyi and Lin Nai wearing it.

Once she saw Li Qiyun wearing it.

It seems to be quite popular.

But she didn't know much about clothes, as long as they were comfortable, "I really didn't realize you were wearing... this suit."

Lin Anxin glanced at her and sat back in her seat, "Forget it, I don't know you yet. You only care about your baby Chi, and you must not know what to wear and use. But it doesn't matter, anyway, Master Li bought you the best limited edition. Hey, we are all women, so you are hated."

Chi Enen, "...I also bought my own, not all of them were bought by Li Beijue."

"Who knows. Anyway, in the eyes of other women, what you wear and use must be bought by Master Li. Who believes that someone would leave their husband's money unused and work hard on their own these days?" Lin Anxin lay on the table and clenched her fists angrily, "Only we are stupid, and we want to save face. Women should be supported by men, otherwise they will have their periods every month."

Chi Enen knew that she was just talking.

If she was the kind of woman who was willing to be supported by a man, Lin Anxin would not have been wandering around third- and fourth-tier cities before she met Si Chen.

Chi Enen sat down with her, and seeing her anxiety, she ordered a glass of juice from the waiter, put down her bag and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Anxin was styling and calling her out, so there must be something wrong.

Lin Anxin straightened her neck from the table, shrugged her shoulders and wailed at her, "Enen, I'm going to meet his mother, what should I do?"

"Si Chen?" Chi Enen was surprised, "When?"

"Wait, his mother will be here soon." Lin Anxin was extremely irritable, "Is it too late for me to leave now? Otherwise, I will call Shanni and ask Shanni to help me find a handsome guy. If his mother gives me a cold shoulder, I won't be too passive. I can give the handsome guy a signal and let him come out and take me away."

Chi Enen didn't know how to describe her method, "If Si Shao knew, he would kill that person. He didn't provoke you, so this is not good."

Si Chen and Li Beijue are good friends. In a way, men's possessiveness is equally strong. For their women, they can't tolerate any sand in their eyes.

"You don't want to break up with Si Shao, why are you looking for trouble for yourself?"

Anxin got a handsome guy first, and Si Chen would definitely ban the handsome guy. It's not like Si Chen had never done something like this before.

Lin Anxin also remembered what Si Chen had done to Lu Zhiang before. Her beautiful eyes became even more irritated. She showed her true colors and grabbed her hair madly. Her gentle big waves were messed up by her. "What should I do? I can't just sit here and get slapped in the face by his mother, right?"

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