After she finished speaking, she stroked her beautiful nails with a careless expression and a look of solemnity in her eyes, "But so what if it hurts your eyes? Why should I give up something that belongs to my son to a couple of bitches? It doesn't sound right. Yes, I don’t allow her to pick up anything I don’t want. What’s more, she comes to grab it before I throw it away.”

The two of them got together first, and she came later. She was the third party who had a foot in the family's love affair.

so what?

She was robbing openly and based on her family background. The other party also agreed, and agreed to marry her even though he clearly had a girlfriend.

Now they are married, oh, a couple is going to show off their love for her, who should she choose?

If they couldn't be separated, why did they go there so early?

You can tell her before getting married.

There are so many men in the Si family, but that man is not the only one. She could choose a new man to marry.

Si Shengyao didn't tell her at first, but after he got married to her, he went to fool around with other women behind her back.

In fact, their marriage was originally a business marriage, and there was no relationship between them. If Si Shengyao could endure it and contact that woman again three or four years after their marriage, she would just turn a blind eye. The marriage between a wealthy family looked glamorous on the outside, but she knew how dirty and hypocritical it was on the inside.

However, Si Shengyao couldn't hold it back for even a year and cheated on her during their honeymoon period, and even made the woman pregnant with her at the same time.

What disgusted her the most was that the woman's son was born prematurely, before her child.

She didn't know what methods the woman used to cause the child to be born prematurely, but she just wanted to let the woman know. Not to mention that the old feudal style, where the eldest son inherits the family property, is not popular now. Even if it is popular, in front of the eldest son, you still have to add the word "direct"!

Her son, Su Yijiu, is the legitimate heir to the Si family. Before her son says he doesn't want it, don't get involved with other people's illegitimate children!

"At that time, the old man had agreed to leave the Si family to Shen'er, but due to bad luck, the old man passed away early. Although the old man's will gave all his shares to Shen'er, there was no time to arrange other things. Shen Er was only 16 years old at the time, too young to be in charge of the company. So, as a matter of course, his father took the position of chief director of Si.

Although that man didn't hold as many shares as Shen Er in the past few years, he still had prestige after being at the helm of the group for so long. And he is not a person who makes people worry. He knows that Shen'er holds most of the shares and he also knows that the old man's will is still with the lawyer. Letting him sit in that position is just to give him face.

So he frantically bought up connections in the company, and after ten years, he has now formed a considerable force. "

Su Yijiu seemed not to think that these were the internal secrets of the Si family. She said it casually, but her expression was not relaxed. "Tsk, he really values ​​his illegitimate son who doesn't even have a name. He has been creating opportunities for his illegitimate son, and even There was a time when I wanted to get someone into Si's family, but I suppressed him and never succeeded."

At this point, her expression suddenly became serious. Lin Anxin's nerves became tense, knowing that Su Yijiu was looking for her today.

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