Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2451 I want to talk to her alone

Chi Enen looked at the man approaching and said helplessly, "It's true."

"How is that possible..." Lin Anxin lay there distractedly. Just as she was about to raise her head, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in her sight.

Wipe it, right? Is that man really here?

She slowly raised her head and saw the straight trouser legs and the white sweater on top...

She knew this sweater, it was unique in style and full of Korean style. Most men don't know how to wear it and can't control this style.

But she still bought one for someone because she happened to have a sweater of similar style, which could be worn as a couple's outfit.

After buying it, she often saw Si Shen wearing it.

Lin Anxin's heart tightened. When she saw the sweater, she was almost sure who was coming. Still holding on to some luck, she raised her head and looked at the man's face.

Stylish, elegant, and full of noble spirit, who else could he be if he weren't Si Chen?

Lin Anxin stretched out her hand, and she didn't know if her brain was twitching, but she actually waved her hand at the visitor and said hello with a fake smile that was uglier than crying, "Hi, what a coincidence, you are here to drink coffee too. ?This coffee tastes pretty good.”

Si Chen felt a sigh of relief in his chest. If the man's demeanor hadn't held him back, he would have twisted him up. His eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly, "Unfortunately, I came here specifically to see you. Lin Anxin, didn't you say you had an audition for a new play? The audition you were talking about was going to a coffee shop. Audition?"

She was caught lying. She felt guilty for one second, and the next second, she lied confidently, "The audition hasn't even started yet. Why? I can't come out to have a coffee. If you want a cow to work, at least give him a drink." Grass."

Si Chen really wanted to squeeze her to death, but because Chi Enen was here, he suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice, "I called Shanni and asked, you didn't audition at all today!"

The last half of the sentence just jumped out of my throat one word at a time.

"That traitor Shanni... is so deceitful..." she muttered with a laugh. She didn't feel embarrassed at all about being caught, and she actually spouted off the lies without thinking, "Who said that? It's just that she didn't know. I’m here to try out En En’s side of the show, right, En En?”

"Ah..." Chi Enen was dumbfounded for only a second and nodded immediately, "Yes, our company happens to be investing in a movie, and I'm very optimistic about An Xin."

Ryan does want to invest in a movie, but he just brought it up during the meeting two hours ago. Even if Chi Enen wanted to find Lin Anxin, he had to wait until the movie plan was released. If the subject matter of the movie is not good or it has a male protagonist, there is no need to drag An Xin along.

What Lin Anxin said was a mistake.

Si Chen looked at Chi Enen deeply and said after a while, "I understand, Enen, can you please go first? I want to talk to her alone."

"What do we have to talk about alone? Aren't we together every day? Stop trying to bullshit me. Well, don't leave. We have to go shopping later. We agreed." Lin Anxin said firmly. He grabbed Chi Enen's arm and looked like he wouldn't let him go.

"I have something to say to you alone now." Si Chen's temples twitched and he spoke with restraint on his thin lips.

Lin Anxin had no intention of letting go, and pulled Chi Enen tightly, "Speak, no one sealed your mouth with tape, who didn't let you speak, Enen is not an outsider, what do you have? Just say it.”

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