Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2456 I am one of your strengths

In the past half month, she had searched for all the connections around her that could lead to the Li family. As soon as they heard what she said, they all avoided her and rejected her.

Today, she found a distant relative of the Li family through various connections. She originally wanted him to help, but in the end, the man accepted her gift and pretended to ask her to go back and wait for news.

She was not a fool. When the other party said that, she knew that the pearl necklace was like a meat bun beating a dog, and it would never come back.

She was anxious, but she didn't dare to tell anyone except her agent, for fear that people in this circle would flatter her and try to punish her at this time.

After all, she had offended many people when she was proud. Now that she was unlucky, those people might be waiting to stumble her.

It also happened that when she went to the company, she met these little celebrities and insisted on inviting her to drink water. She couldn't refuse, so she came here.

Unexpectedly, I met Si Chen.

The moment she saw this man, Lina thought of a solution to her dilemma.

According to rumors, Mr. Si and Li Beijue have a very good relationship and are one of Li Beijue's few friends. Mr. Si's words will definitely be useful. If she got through Mr. Si's relationship and asked him to smooth things over for her and put in a good word, wouldn't this matter be solved?

She was just happy when she saw Lin Anxin. I was surprised for a moment and this person happened to be Lin Anxin, so I accidentally blurted out and asked why Lin Anxin was here. She didn't notice at all that she was the one who came later, so it was Lin Anxin's turn to ask her.

Lin Anxin took advantage of the moment when the man in front of her turned around to take out her hand, rubbed her wrist and said, "Si Chen, I've decided."

Si Chen's attention was diverted for a second by Lina who suddenly opened the door. When Lin Anxin pulled out her hand, he had already turned around as if he hadn't seen it, "What?"

"I decided to break up with you!" Lin Anxin took a deep breath and said.

Si Chen was not surprised at all when she said this. After guessing what his mother talked to this woman about, he knew she was going to say this.

"I disagree."

"I have a valid reason." Lin Anxin looked past him with beautiful eyes and looked at Linna.

Before Lina came, she really had no reason, but now the reason came to her door.

Si Chen narrowed his eyes, extremely dangerous, "What's the reason?"

Lin Anxin pointed at Lina and said, "I didn't tell you before, but I met your ex-girlfriend on the TV station. Your ex-girlfriend told me that you helped me take the chocolate commercial. We agreed Now, you can't interfere with my work. You also promised me to let me try it myself. But you went behind my back and used tricks to help me win the advertisement and lied to me that I won it with my strength. I don't want it the most. I like men who lie, so I want to break up with you!"

What, Lin Anxin wants to break up with Mr. Si?

Lina heard it half-understood, but she still heard the word breakup clearly. When she thought of her purpose, she was more surprised than anyone else. She could hardly control her expression and showed a look of ecstasy.

Si Chen listened patiently to what she had to say, without even moving his eyelashes, and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't lie to you. So he is not a liar, so I reject this reason."

Lin Anxin slammed the table and stood up, "You lied to me and said that I won the advertisement based on my strength, but it turned out that you put pressure on the other party behind his back. How is that not a lie?"

Si Chen leaned back in the seat after a while, crossed his arms across his chest, and said with a dark and noble tone, "Because I am one of your strengths! Is that wrong?"

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