Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2459 The tooth socket of jealousy will be broken into pieces

Lina could hardly believe her ears.

What did Mr. Si say?

Director Amy's new work is a huge resource that is coveted by female stars in that circle. He actually wants to give the heroine to Lin Anxin, or should he just pass the time?

What a joke!

Even if Lin Anxin hadn't caused the scandal, he might not have been able to get the resources. Now that Lin Anxin has such a bad reputation, the movie is said to have invested 300 million. With Lin Anxin's current reputation, he could get a walk-on role in it. No qualifications. What about the heroine?

The key, what made her breathless the most was Si Chen's doting tone, saying that he just gave Lin Anxin the protagonist of the movie that she had been thinking about for a long time to pass the time.

Use 300 million to pass the time to your girlfriend? !

Lina couldn't control the jealousy in her chest, and the jealousy almost annihilated her!

no the same.

Before she saw the way Lin Anxin and Si Chen got along, she didn't think anything was wrong. She just hated Lin Anxin for stealing someone from her, but from the bottom of her heart, she believed that Si Chen was just playing with Lin Anxin. It is impossible for a man of Si Chen's status to marry a star in the entertainment industry like them. Most of the female stars who say they have married into rich families are actually just flattering, and they are only marrying rich locals. Just big money. The word "rich" is also packaged by the media.

Real wealthy families don't often appear in media reports. They attach great importance to personal privacy. Even if they are photographed, they will use their power to suppress gossip.

Si Chen is just a different kind of person.

He likes to play and can afford it.

Famous, bohemian.

He is always surrounded by a group of women, including ladies, lawyers, and celebrities.

He won't deliberately suppress gossip, but he will always have a cynical attitude towards every girlfriend who becomes briefly in power. She is the one who has lasted longer among Si Chen's 'girlfriends'. But there are still many people who are optimistic about her promotion, and Si Chen was indeed very kind to her during that time. But she knew very well that those good things were completely different from the good things she saw now!

Even when she was with this man briefly before, this man had never been so kind to her.

In the past, this man's 'goodness' to her was only based on the fact that she was 'sensible', would not make trouble, and rewarded her for being good.

That's so good, I didn't care at all.

It's different now. As a woman, she can keenly realize that Si Chen's kindness to Lin Anxin now is out of his mind!

Lina clenched her fists and dug her nails into her flesh.

His eyes were full of jealousy, staring at Lin Anxin.

Why Lin Anxin, and Lin Anxin... She used to hate this woman. When she was popular, the media always liked to compare Lin Anxin with her. The comparison was forgetful, but there was still a hint of Lin Anxin overpowering her between the lines. the meaning of.

Forget it.

The last time she was unlucky, there were also traces of Lin Anxin.

If it weren't for Lin Anxin, how could she have provoked Habsden's daughter and been banned by Li Beijue?

Lina was so jealous that her teeth were almost broken. But at this moment, the starlet beside her lowered her voice and whispered excitedly, "Wow, I'm so envious. What Si Shao was talking about must be the work of the great director Emmy." , there are rumors in the industry that the total investment of that film is 300 million. It’s so happy to pass the time with a 300 million blockbuster heroine.”

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