Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2461: What is not thick is thick-skinned

But she had a feeling that he understood how she felt.

Lin Anxin's heart skipped a beat. It was undeniable that it felt really good to have someone understand.

"Lin Anxin, I also want to rely on myself." After Si Chen agreed to her, he pointed out, "You should trust me once. If it doesn't work anymore, it's not too late to do what you think is right." .”

He can also do something he feels right before she does what she feels is right. For example, use a needle to poke a hole in the TT.

Of course, before implementing these plans, he had to stabilize her first.

Even if holes are poked in TT, it still takes time to implement, right?

Lin Anxin didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely chop off his head and feed it to the dogs. She was silent for a moment and then said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Si Chen thought that he was calm enough and would not be so easily angered by her as before that he wanted to deal with her. Finally, he impulsively did something to hurt her. As a result, when he heard Lin Anxin's words, he found that he was not as calm as he thought. All his calm calculations turned into anger when he heard her words, and he wanted to burn her to death.

However, before he could speak, Lin Anxin had already continued, "It's because you don't like it, it's not that I didn't give you a chance to choose. If you regret it in the future, don't take it out on me."

What is a sudden turn of events? This is called a sudden turn of events!

Even when Si Chen was discussing business, his heart never beat so fast.

It's like being on a roller coaster, one moment it's the abyss, the next moment it's rushing to heaven.

"you mean……"

Lin Anxin rolled her eyes at him angrily, "Forget it if you don't understand."

She broke away from Si Chen's hand, picked up her bag, and said, "Okay, I'm going to pick up my little boyfriend from school. Mr. Si thought about it slowly, and I got out of the way first."

Si Chen just couldn't believe it, how could he not understand. Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He didn't care about Lin Anxin's adjectives for Chi Baobao, and immediately said, "I'll go with you."

"What are you going to do?" Lin Anxin didn't want to go with him. She didn't want to see him all day today. When she saw him, she would think of what his mother said to her. It’s stressful. It’s stressful.

Si Chen is thick-skinned if he is not thick-skinned. If he was dumped by her three times if he was not thick-skinned, could he persist in pursuing her back?

He said without blinking, "I told Enen before that I wanted to treat her to dinner. I happen to be free today, so of course I went to treat Enen to dinner."

"Hey, I'm asking for favors today, so don't fight against me."

Si Chen grabbed her hand, smiled in a good mood and said, "It's not the same if you invite me or you invite me, we are the ones who invite you anyway."

It's not the same thing if you invite me or you invite me, it's all our invitation anyway.

This is a perfect way to flirt with girls.

Lin Anxin said in her heart, "F*ck", but the tips of her ears felt unsatisfactory.

As soon as they stepped out of their position, their path was blocked.

Linna took a deep breath and stood in front of the two of them. She flipped up the broken hair between her ears charmingly and stood in front of Si Chen gracefully. He didn't even look at Lin Anxin. He greeted Si Chen directly, "Master Si, what a coincidence. Long time no see, are you okay?"

This was a very good way to strike up a conversation. It sounded like just an ordinary greeting, and the last sentence was enough to make people think.

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