Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2468 It’s really Li Beijue’s style

It has to be said that Chi Enen really understands Li Beijue's temper. She talked about what happened to her in the afternoon in a gentle voice. As expected, the man opposite did not bother about the phone call anymore and listened quietly. She spoke up.

In fact, nothing happened to her this afternoon. I just met Su Yijiu with Lin Anxin and heard Su Yijiu talk about the past of the previous generation of Xiasi family.

She wanted to divert Li Beijue's attention, but she didn't gossip enough about Si Chen's family affairs. She roughly said that Su Yijiu met Lin Anxin and told Lin Anxin about the Si family, but she did not say specifically what Su Yijiu told Lin Anxin.

After she finished speaking, she frowned in genuine worry, "I don't know what An An is thinking. I'm worried that An An is too mentally stressed. He and Mr. Si... may have a quarrel."

Li Beijue and Si Chen have been friends for many years, and he knows everything about Si Chen's family. As soon as Chi Enen said that, even if he didn't say anything on purpose, he immediately understood what Su Yijiu said to Lin Anxin. He said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter what happened to her in the previous generation. What's the point of arguing about it."

"Because I feel guilty. After all, the influence is too great. For the sake of Mr. Si, An Xin will definitely have random thoughts. Sometimes this has nothing to do with being smart or not, but has to do with liking. The more you like someone, the more you will care. Sometimes it is I let go because I love it.”

Everyone's choices are different, and she's not sure what choice she would make if she encountered An Xin.

But she could feel An Xin's helplessness.

Being together is a matter of two people, as long as they like each other, but the reality is often cruel, just liking is not enough, it also requires a lot of things.

The fact that she and Li Beijue are together now is all due to good luck.


If her uncle hadn't found her and she didn't have the status of the Habsden family, she didn't know how long she would have to wait before she could legitimately stand with Li Beijue.

But miracles are so hard to come across. Just because she did, it doesn't mean that An Xin can.

She was really worried that An Xin and Si Chen would reach the final stage, and one of them would not be able to withstand the pressure and choose to give up. The other person is so sad.

And the last person who may stay at the end is An Xin.

An Xin is really brave to have the courage to be with Si Chen.

After listening to her murmur, Li Beijue felt his heart tightening for some reason. He retorted almost without thinking, "If you like me, you should stay together! Since you like me, why should you let me go? I never let go of the person I like!"

"Everyone has different choices and different ideas..." Chi Enen didn't know how to tell him. He was indeed like someone who liked someone, was paranoid, stubborn, and domineering. Stay together no matter what! It's really like what he said, there is no word "let go".

What he likes is possession!

Just like fire, hot and deep!

Li Beijue interrupted her, "It's no different. I don't care about other people. Anyway, your thoughts must be the same as mine!"

"If you like me, don't let me go! If you put your left hand, I will break your left hand. If you put your right hand, I will break your right hand! If you put both hands, I will break your legs. You can run away if you want." Don’t fall!”

It's really his style.

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