Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2473 Someone is grabbing every parking space

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Chi Enen hung up the phone. Before she put the phone down, she heard an argument coming from behind her.

"Ms. Eny, I'm sorry. The spot you mentioned is already occupied. There are many other vacancies in the parking lot. Could you please see if we can park in other spots?"

"What are you talking about? Other locations? When did my cousin stop at other locations when she came to play with you?"

This voice sounds very bullying.

It makes people dislike it.

The person in charge of parking was sweating coldly, and he wiped his sweat awkwardly, "But that guest came first and has already occupied that seat. There is really nothing we can do about this..."

"What can I do? Let me tell you a way. Ask that person to drive the car aside. There are so many empty seats. She is blind. She insists on grabbing it from my cousin! And she drives a shabby car! Haha, come here. Driving a crappy car in a place like this is nothing more than a stinky part-time job!"

"Miss, there are no regulations on where parking is prohibited in the parking lot. I really can't let others go away..."

"Do you still want your job? Just tell me."

"Miss, I..."

When Chi Enen heard the argument, she felt bad for the parking staff.

She didn't drive a very good car today, but the BMW A8 wasn't that bad either. She just doesn't like the performance of sports cars that drive too fast, and prefers safe and low-key models.

Fortunately, the car she drove out today was a BMW A8, which the other party described as a "broken car". If she drove out her favorite Land Rover, wouldn't the other party say that she drove a tractor?

Although the Land Rover was designed specifically for her by the Land Rover company Li Beijue hired, it looked like just an ordinary Land Rover on the outside. In fact, the interior configuration was on the same level as a multi-million-level luxury car, or even more upscale.

Chi Enen heard the voice of the girl behind the car becoming more and more domineering and unforgiving. She didn't want to cause trouble, so she lowered the window, stuck out her head, and said proactively, "I'll let you go. You guys get out of the car, and I'll drive out and change seats."

She was looking for the innermost seat. She originally thought that this seat would be less crowded and would make it easier to drive out. Now that the car was driving in, people said that it was where other people often parked. If she wanted to change places, she had to back the car out and drive in again.

When the parking staff heard Chi Enen's voice, it was like hearing the sound of nature. He turned around in surprise, his eyes were red, and he looked at Chi Enen gratefully and said, "Thank you, thank you young lady."

Chi Enen has worked part-time herself and knows how hard it is to meet difficult customers, so she is very considerate of them. He raised the corner of his mouth, smiled, and said reassuringly, "It's nothing. I drove in the wrong position. I didn't know that this position was commonly used by others."

The parking staff wanted to say that the parking spaces here were originally open to anyone, but they moved their lips and still couldn't offend the people behind them, so they could only give Chi Enen a grateful look. Then he quickly directed the two cars to reverse.

After the other party waited for Chi Enen's car to back out, he drove straight in and took the spot where Chi Enen wanted to park.

His seat was occupied, so Chi Enen found a nearby seat and drove in, parked the car, picked up his bag, and opened the car door.

Before she even got out of the car, she heard the same female voice that had bullied the parking attendant slandering her again.

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