Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2476 What is in your heart will determine what you see

Chi Enen has experienced people like Mr. Li and Aosi, so how can he be afraid of a little girl showing off her fierceness? He said calmly and calmly, "Literally. I'm just curious about how the noble swan knows what a native duck smells like, and still likes to hang on the edge so much. What does a native duck smell like? Does it smell like noisy?"

This makes it clear that she has been talking non-stop since the beginning, chattering like a local duck!

The little girl's chest heaved up and down in anger, her eyes widened, she pointed her finger at Chi Enen, and she was so angry that she couldn't even breathe out, "You!"

"I'm listening, don't be so loud." Chi Enen's eyes passed over her and landed on the girl next to her. She originally had a good first impression of this girl with good looks and temperament, but now her impression became average. She only glanced at it, then withdrew her gaze and fell back on the little girl. He said to the little girl whose face was red with anger, "I once saw a sentence in a book that I think makes sense: What is in your heart, you can only see what is in your eyes. This sentence is now given to You, think about it."

What is in your heart, what can only be seen with your eyes!

She has been talking about this country duck and that country duck from the beginning. Doesn't Chi Enen mean that she is a country duck at heart?

The little girl turned her head and turned around.

Suddenly, his face turned the color of pig liver with anger, and he clenched his hands, looking like he was going to rush forward and tear Chi Enen's mouth off.

Fortunately, someone stopped her before that happened.

"Cousin?" The little girl looked at the person who blocked her in disbelief, stamped her feet angrily, and reached out to hold her hand. "Cousin, get out of my way, I have to take care of this bumpkin today!"

"Yingluo!" The beautiful girl's voice was not loud, but it was full of intimidation.

The little girl whose name was scolded was so angry that she trembled all over, and she didn't dare to hold her hand anymore, but her eyes turned red and quickly filled with water, as if she had been greatly wronged. He held his mouth shut and turned his head away, huffing.

However, her cousin was not moved at all and saw that she became honest. She walked towards Chi Enen with a calm expression. Compared with the arrogance and arrogance of a little girl, she was much more elegant and restrained. When she walked in front of Chi Enen, there was no contempt between her eyebrows. Her beautiful face made people consciously attracted to her. Good impression, "Sorry, my cousin is young and has an impulsive personality. She sometimes speaks without thinking. I apologize for her."

She said she wanted to help and apologize, but from beginning to end, there was only one feeling of embarrassment. Not a single word of apology or apologies.

After the tall girl said her 'apology', she took out her wallet from her deerskin bag.

Chi Enen pursed her lips and waited for her to continue.

If this girl gives her money, she will return it to their face without mercy!

The girl searched in her wallet and found a gold-plated business card and handed it to Chi Enen, "This is my business card. If you need anything, you can take this and come to my company to see me."

"Cousin, why did you give your business card to this bumpkin? Your business card is so precious, what does she deserve? All her clothes combined are not as valuable as your business card!" Seeing his cousin take out his business card , the little girl jumped angrily, looking at Chi Enen with more and more disgust, as if Chi Enen was a shameless porcelain!

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