Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2478 Anyone can be crushed to death

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Seeing that the two sides were about to have a conflict, the parking staff quickly stood in the middle and said with a smile, "Miss Zhu, don't be angry. This lady didn't mean it. She had no other intentions."

"She said I was well-informed, so she didn't mean anything else? Do you want her to point at my nose and scold me?" Zhu Yingluo was so angry that her nose was crooked, and she looked like she wanted to tear Chi Enen in half. He said, "I must give her some color today to show her what she is doing and what kind of person she thinks she is!"

The parking staff was so anxious that they were sweating, and they tried to persuade each other. Zhu Yingluo was definitely being careful and advised her not to worry about it. He kept winking at Chi Enen, asking her to apologize.

Zhu Yingluo obviously didn't buy it, her face turned green and white, and she growled angrily, "Get out of the way, I have to deal with her today!"

The parking staff winked at Chi Enen for a long time, but Chi Enen didn't respond. There was nothing he could do. He was pushed by Zhu Yingluo and almost fell down.

"You -" Zhu Yingluo walked up to Chi Enen and pointed at Chi Enen's nose.

Compared with her angry and violent appearance, Chi Enen was actually calm.

At this moment, Chi Enen's cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was the old housekeeper calling.

She was about to pick it up.

"What are you doing? You want to run away? What a beautiful idea!" Zhu Yingluo seemed to be afraid that she would run away. When Chi Enen was completely unprepared, she slapped her with a slap, and with a bang, the phone in her hand It was slapped down and fell to the ground.

The ground in the parking lot was an asphalt road. The road was originally composed of uneven pebbles. When the phone was dropped, the screen was shattered!

The screen that was on just now suddenly went black.

Chi Enen's face darkened.

She is not the kind of person who would argue with a little girl, but Zhu Yingluo's behavior is too much!

Zhu Yingluo was also stunned by this sudden turn of events, but because Han Wenwen was here, she was stunned for a moment, and immediately covered her mouth and stood there laughing, saying sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention. Who made you unsteady and who did you blame if it broke? Haha, but it doesn’t matter, you can just accept my cousin’s business card, and I will give you a mobile phone for 100,000 yuan. You have made a profit. Your mobile phone is not an IPO, right? ? You are lucky, you can buy a new version of IPO now. I remember IPOx came out, which is cheaper for you."

She didn't apologize when she did something wrong, and she acted arrogantly, which is really annoying.

Han Wenwen originally wanted to scold her, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Chi Enen bending down to pick up her phone, and she couldn't help but pursed her lips.

She doesn't like this woman.

It's not because of Zhu Yingluo, but from the first moment I saw this woman, I felt a sense of repulsion.

Coupled with the fact that this woman had been ignorant several times just now, she disliked this woman even more.

She pursed her lips and stood there as if she hadn't seen Zhu Yingluo's excessive words and deeds, with no intention of helping Chi Enen out.

The parking staff originally pinned their hopes on her, but when he saw that she looked gloomy and had no intention of helping, he suddenly became anxious.

It’s over, it’s over, what to do now?

In the final analysis, the reason why they provoked this arrogant young lady was because she did herself a favor and agreed to give up her parking space.

It would be so unmanly if he didn't care!

I can't control it.

In a place like the Imperial Capital, every inch of land is precious. If you accidentally bump into someone while walking on the street, you may not be able to offend someone because of their financial background. A commoner like him has too limited abilities, like an ant, anyone can crush him to death.

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