Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2484 Let me remind you, you did it on purpose

She was reluctant to apologize. She didn't even call Chi Enen, she just said three simple words. It would be better not to apologize.

The old housekeeper was very dissatisfied with her apology. A good person like the young lady was bullied by them. They thought they could just apologize without sincerity?

He was so rested that he looked like an old man from a British aristocracy. He said slowly to Zhu Yingluo, who looked unhappy, "Who is Miss Zhu saying I'm sorry to? I don't quite understand."

Zhu Yingluo is young and is used to following Han Wenwen to show off her power. She is willing to apologize because she is afraid that Chi Enen will ask her to pay three million. Now she apologized, but the other party still didn't buy it, so she was a little unhappy, "You...don't be too bullying!"

When she 'bullied' people, she didn't feel like she was bullying them at all. Before they bullied her, she looked like she was dying of humiliation. It was so annoying.

Being implicated and being slapped in the face continuously, Han Wenwen's face didn't look good. She scolded Zhu Yingluo, who was about to cause trouble again, and threatened in a cold tone, "Yingluo, how many times do you want me to tell you, apologize!"


Han Wenwen didn't even look at her. After scolding Zhu Yingluo, she forced out a smile with an embarrassed face and said to the old housekeeper, "Uncle housekeeper, I made you laugh. My cousin has never seen much of the world, so disrespectful." Be sensible. I will teach her a lesson when I go back today. I apologize to you on her behalf. She shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry."

"You're welcome, Miss Han." Han Wenwen behaved dignifiedly from beginning to end, and the old housekeeper didn't want to embarrass her. He gently bent down to save face.

Zhu Yingluo saw that her noble cousin bowed her head and apologized, and did not dare to make trouble again. Although she was very unhappy, she gritted her teeth and bowed deeply to Chi Enen again. She lowered her head and said with humiliation, "I'm sorry." , Miss Chi, it was my fault just now, I shouldn't...shouldn't accidentally break your phone."

She finally apologized obediently, and Han Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief. Subconsciously he looked at the indifferent girl wearing jeans and shirt, and looked at Chi Enen's whole body with complicated eyes.

She didn't understand how Brother Jue could fall in love with this woman.

No matter how you look at it, this woman is ordinary.

If she didn't have the status of Habsden's daughter, she wouldn't have even looked at her. What exactly did Brother Jue like about this woman in the first place? He actually took care of her in every possible way when she was still an illegitimate daughter. I stayed in Lin City for so long because of this woman...

Chi Enen didn't see her gaze lingering on his face, and calmly corrected Zhu Yingluo's apology, "Miss Zhu, let me remind you, you didn't accidentally break my phone, you were looking at my phone. It rang and I deliberately slapped my phone on the ground.”

The old housekeeper didn't expect that there would be such a problem. He looked at the back of her hand and asked nervously, "Madam, your hand is not injured, right?"

"I'm fine." When Chi Enen faced the old housekeeper, his outline softened a lot.

But when she looked at the unconvinced Zhu Yingluo again, she became much colder, "Miss Zhu, there is no need to apologize to me. I, a little bitch born to a 'mistress', am not worthy of an apology from such a noble swan as Miss Zhu. You should still compensate according to the price." Bar."

What does the native duck born to ‘Mistress’ mean?

The old housekeeper's face became serious, and he looked at Han Wenwen with obvious displeasure.

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