Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2486 It’s embarrassing enough

After she finished speaking, Han Wenwen did not wait for Chi Enen to express her position. She took a step forward and said to Chi Enen apologetically, "Miss Chi, I apologize to you for my cousin's words and deeds, and for myself just now." I didn’t do the right thing and didn’t stop her. I’m really sorry. I hope you can look at the relationship between our two families for many years and forgive us for our rude behavior this time.”

After she finished speaking, she took out a card from her bag and said very sincerely, "Yingluo's broken mobile phone, I will pay it to Miss Chi on her behalf. There are five million on this card, three million to compensate Miss Chi." Mobile phone, the remaining two million is my apology to Miss Chi."

She was very good at talking and knew that Chi Enen was the daughter of the Habsden family. The Habsden family was famously wealthy and had astonishing wealth. People looked down on the two million at all, so she continued, "I know Miss Chi doesn't care about this money, but I sincerely apologize to Miss Chi, and I still hope that Miss Chi can accept this card. I'm really sorry." .”

The old butler kept his eyes open and did not interrupt. Obviously because of Chi Enen's attitude, Chi Enen said forget it and he wouldn't interfere. If Chi Enen refuses to let it go, then he will intervene.

Han Wenwen waited nervously for Chi Enen's attitude. This was the first time she apologized so humbly. Not only did she apologize, she was also afraid that the other party would not accept it if she didn't give him face.

Fortunately, she didn't wait long. The person in front of her stretched out her hand, took the card, lowered her eyes and said, "I will transfer this money to the charity foundation."

Han Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and agreed with a smile, "Of course, I agree with how Miss Chi handles the money. I just broke Miss Chi's mobile phone. I'm really sorry."

"It's nothing, I'll just ask my husband to buy me another one." Chi Enen said calmly.

Han Wenwen was so stabbed by the word "husband" that she opened her mouth and couldn't continue.

Chi Enen glanced at her and reminded her unintentionally, "By the way, Miss Han may not know, but I am already married. I prefer others to call me Mrs. Li."

I prefer others to call me Mrs. Li...

The old housekeeper had a faint smile in his eyes, lowered his head, and had no intention of helping Han Wenwen smooth things over.

Before the young master met Miss Chi, the old master and Mr. Han had casually complimented Han Wenwen on how good she was. Mr. Han also said that the young master and Han Wenwen were about the same age and the two young men could be together. The old master neither refused nor agreed. After that, Han Wenwen obviously had a special interest in the young master. She often came to see the young master, as if he was the young master's prospective girlfriend, trying to gain a sense of presence. Fortunately, he later went abroad and the young master also went to Lin City.

He had noticed that Han Wenwen had been calling Miss Chi just now, but he just couldn't say anything. Unexpectedly, the young lady directly brought it up and gave the other party a blow.

Han Wenwen's face twitched and she tried her best to endure it. She clenched her fists and said, "Mrs. Li."

The old housekeeper immediately intervened, "Okay, Miss Han, young lady. Sir Sir and Mr. Han have been waiting for a long time, let's go in first."

Just now he didn't interrupt when Chi Enen forced him to call someone. If he interrupted now, it was clear that he was on Chi Enen's side.

Han Wenwen had eaten so much today that her own face was swollen. He could only hold back his gloom, forced out a smile, and followed the old housekeeper.



Seeing that her cousin ignored her, Zhu Yingluo stamped her feet, only to cover her face and follow her in embarrassment...

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