"Forget it, I don't dare go up to that person's aura. I feel like I'm going to be slapped in the face. It would be too embarrassing if I were rejected."

"Hehe, you are usually so thick-skinned, but you are actually afraid of being rejected."

"Nonsense! Being thick-skinned in front of women and being thick-skinned in front of super handsome guys are completely different things, okay?"

There were constant whispers in the crowd, but no one dared to approach him.

It's no wonder that so many people didn't recognize Li Beijue. Firstly, the sections Li Beijue usually visited were financial sections that ordinary people rarely paid attention to. On the other hand, some people didn't believe in his identity even if they looked familiar. People come to crowded places like water parks. So no one recognized him.

Li Beijue, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, has an outstanding aura. He walked towards him like a dazzling light in the crowd, and his handsome face became clearer as he got closer and closer.

The arrogant eyes, the high bridge of the nose, the sexy thin lips...everything is God's most perfect masterpiece!

No wonder he could still attract so much attention even if he was dressed casually and without any bodyguards around him. In the blink of an eye, the noble and dazzling man had walked up to her, "What are you thinking about?"

"Uh... no..." Chi Enen came back to his senses.

Li Beijue's eyes touched the trace of lack of rest under her eyelids, and then his eyes fell on her mobile phone. He bent down and reached out to snatch the phone from Chi Enen, "What are you looking at?"

She didn't hear him when he called her just now.

Chi Enen did not exit the web news before answering the phone, so after hanging up the phone, the web news popped up automatically.

She realized what she was doing and immediately stood up to grab it, "It's nothing, Li Beijue, please give me your phone back."

If she wasn't in such a hurry, Li Beijue might believe what she said, but it would be strange for him to believe her if she acted so uncalmly. He lowered his head and lit up the phone screen.

The photos on the phone immediately came into view.

The photo was taken secretly at night, and the overall color is very dark, but he is the protagonist in the photo, and he can be recognized at a glance.

It's him?

Li Beijue pursed his thin lips, his eagle eyes were cold, and he scrolled through the screen of his mobile phone. Each photo seemed to be telling an ambiguous story silently.

He scrolled through the photos until he finished reading the last one, and then he suddenly raised his head, locking Chi Enen's eyes with his eagle eyes domineeringly, "You don't believe me?"

Chi Enen paused when asked, but still reached for the phone in his hand, avoiding answering his question, "Li Beijue, give me back your phone!"

His height absolutely overwhelmed Chi Enen. Seeing that Chi Enen's hand was about to touch the phone, he actually raised his hand as if to cheat. At that height, unless Chi Enen jumped up, he couldn't even touch the edge of the phone. arrive.

Chi Enen tried to grab it but failed. Anger gathered in his eyes, so he simply stopped grabbing it and stood still in front of him, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

"you do not believe me?"

Chi Enen paused and pursed the corners of his mouth, "Didn't you tell me before that you'd be back before tomorrow? Will you finish driving?"

Li Beijue's eyes were firmly locked on him, he lowered his head and asked with strong eyes, "Chi Enen, I'm asking you if you don't believe me!"

If his gaze had substance, it would be impossible to avoid it under his strong aura——

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

A minute passed.

That stubborn, almost paranoid gaze showed no intention of moving away.

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