Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2497 Li Beijue’s explanation

"Look at that little boy, he's so handsome."


"Damn, he's so handsome. He's like a little puppy."

"I feel more like a little wolfdog."

Fortunately, before going out, Chi Enen had anticipated this and put on Lin Anxin sunglasses and a hat. Otherwise, with Chi Baobao's own spotlight, tomorrow's news might really turn into a famous movie queen traveling with her illegitimate child. I was photographed playing in the amusement park...

Lin Anxin had the foresight to take Chi Baobao to go shopping for food. Now no one would disturb the two people kissing passionately.

This passionate kiss made Chi Enen's legs go numb, and he could only barely support himself with his arms hooked around his waist.

My lips were numb and there was no feeling, and my brain was buzzing and going blank.

Even so, his kissing skills are also very good.

Finally, the man who lowered his head and captured her lips forcefully slowly let her go and was about to withdraw. Chi Enen's numb lips hurt as if they had been stung.


She groaned uncomfortably.

Burning hot air hit my ears, "If you make such a sound again, I will have to carry you into the car."

This is an amusement park!

There are people coming and going all around!

Although she found a relatively quiet corner to wait for Chi Baobao and the others, it didn't mean there was no one nearby!

Chi Enen froze and didn't dare to move.

Li Beijue rested his chin on her shoulder, and Chi Enen could hear the man's suppressed breathing, as if he was trying his best to control something.

She knew exactly what he was controlling.

So the muscles all over the body become stiffer.

Fortunately, after three minutes, the breathing in my ears gradually calmed down. Chi Enen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and reminded him in a low voice, "Li Beijue, you are pressing on my shoulders. Get up first. My shoulders are a little tired."

It would be too dangerous to let him get too close again.

As she wished, the person on her shoulders got up. It's like a resting lion raising its head, but not leaving. Instead, he lowered his head again and faced her. That handsome face was only 0.01 centimeters away from hers, so the impact of beauty should not be too strong.

"Chi Enen."

"Hmm." She said absentmindedly.

The man's dark eagle eyes suddenly darkened, as if a storm suddenly arose in the rough sea. He lowered his head sharply and bit her lips punitively. Seeing that she was in pain and frowning, he slowly let go and called her again.

"Chi Enen."

This time Chi Enen was alert, tilted his head back and distanced himself a little, "What are you doing?"

Li Beijue saw that she finally became more alert. She didn't look as worried as before. Her eyebrows were sparse and her handsome face softened a lot. She straightened up and said, "I don't know how Lin Nai came to Country Y. I wasn't the one who brought her." She went."

"It wasn't you who took Lin Nai there, who was it?" When Chi Enen saw the news, his first reaction was that he took Lin Nai to Country Y as bait without telling him.

As a result, Li Beijue actually said that he was not the one who brought the person there.

Who is that?

As if he knew she wouldn't believe it, the tall and arrogant man took out his mobile phone, opened a video, and handed it to her, "Watch it yourself."

Chi Enen could see from the video freeze frame that the two people in the video were Li Beijue and Lin Nai.

"This is something someone anonymously sent to my mailbox this morning, saying they wanted to make a deal with me. If I didn't agree, they would post the photos online."

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