Li Beijue came out of the living room and went straight to Chi Enen under the guidance of the maid.

It happened that Chi Enen also took Han Wenwen back for a brief stroll, and the two parties bumped into each other.

Chi Enen was a little surprised to see him come out so quickly, "Li Beijue, have you finished talking to grandpa?"


Chi Enen wanted to ask him if he had talked about the public divorce, but when the words came to his lips, he glanced at Han Wenwen, who was full of expectations, and swallowed it back silently.

Li Beijue didn't notice her little movement, so he walked over and grabbed her hand, frowning, "Why are your hands so cold?"

"It's okay, I don't feel cold."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was already an extra coat on her shoulders. Warm with the smell of dragon sandalwood!

Li Beijue helped her put on her clothes domineeringly, and put his arms around her shoulders to prevent the clothes from slipping down. "Come on, I'll take you to lunch. What do you want to eat?"

"...Barbecue?" Chi Baobao said that he wanted to eat barbecue for lunch. Chi Enen paused and added, "Western food is also available."

It looked like he hadn't had a good rest in the past two days. Li Beijue preferred to eat Western food. Western food was faster than barbecue. He could finish it early and take him home to rest.

"Let's have a barbecue. I'll let Huo Yi arrange it. We'll go directly there later."

"Are you sure you want to eat barbecue? In fact, Western food is also available."

"Don't you want to eat? If you want to eat, we will eat barbecue." It's natural and doting.

The domineering man had a strong aura, and his arrogant and handsome face was fatally attractive to women, but Han Wenwen's face became increasingly ugly, and she bit her lower lip involuntarily.

From just now to now, he hadn't even glanced at her. She was obviously walking towards him with Chi Enen, but his eyes seemed to automatically block her, leaving only that woman.

She has been a star-studded existence since she was a child, and she has never been ignored like this before. Han Wenwen felt indescribably uncomfortable. Especially when she thought about what she had said to Chi Enen while taking a walk just now, it was like ants biting her heart, making her feel embarrassed.

She just told Chi Enen how she had a good relationship with this man before and how unique she was in his life. She was the only one besides Li Qiyun who could get close to this man. She knew his hobbies and he liked him too. Talking to her... As a result, Li Beijue's current disregard was like a slap in the face.

Han Wenwen kept her identity to herself, but she couldn't help but interrupt the chat between the two and intervened, "Brother Jue, long time no see, do you still remember me? I am Xiaowen, and I came back from abroad. I came here specifically to visit Grandpa Li today. .”

She smiles brightly and has lively facial features. Compared with Sheng Aiyi, she has an aura that only ladies can have. Her smile is really beautiful.

But Li Beijue just glanced at her impatiently, completely ignoring the expectation in her eyes, and said sternly, "I don't remember."

Han Wenwen was shocked by his "I don't remember" and opened her mouth. She was dumbfounded.

Li Beijue didn't waste time on her. He held Chi Enen's hand and stepped forward with his long legs. "Let's go. It's windy outside, so don't blow the wind."

"Jue..." Han Wenwen watched helplessly as the two walked away hand in hand, stamped her feet, and shook the hands at her sides fiercely.

She didn't expect that the rumors were true, and Brother Jue really held this woman in his hands and doted on her!

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