"Jianguo, don't, you are like this... you are not afraid..."

"I'm like this, what are you afraid of? The worst is possible!" Chi Jianguo didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore. He searched the venue with his turbid eyes, and soon saw Chi Enen in the corner.

When he saw Chi Enen, he also saw the cold and noble man beside Chi Enen. He shrank his neck and showed a hint of hesitation in his expression. But greed still defeated that fear, and he walked in that direction...

"Where is he going?"

"Uh, don't come to my place, it's so disgusting."

"I don't know who brought them. It's so embarrassing. If I were that person, I would really want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in."

Gu Qiaomei listened to the harsh discussion in her ears, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly followed Chi Jianguo's footsteps.

She doesn't want to listen, she doesn't want to be left alone...

Jin Zhiyuan, Jin Zhixuan and Chi Enen were chatting happily when they suddenly heard the buzz around them. Jin Zhiyuan was the first to see Chi Jianguo and the others walking over. He raised his chin in surprise and said to the arrogant man in front of him, "Who is that? The person invited by your company?"

The stern man was nonchalant from beginning to end. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced in the direction she said. With just one glance, the casual aura on his body suddenly disappeared, and he became fierce and cruel!

"Tell the security to come and throw those two people out!"

"Yes, Sir."

"Who is that?" Jin Zhiyuan asked with a hint of interest in her beautiful eyes without knowing what was going on.

Li Beijue's eyes were bottomless, and there seemed to be a storm gathering in his eyes, "The person who is looking for death!"

Someone looking for death?

What's the meaning?

Before Jin Zhiyuan could ask, she saw the man turning sideways and discreetly blocking Chi Enen's gaze.

She couldn't help but take another look at the two people. The more she looked at them, the more familiar they seemed. When she thought about it again, she suddenly remembered, "This is not..."

Aren't they Chi Enen's parents?

Seeing that Chi Jianguo and the others were about to come over, several security personnel suddenly ran over from both sides, grabbed their clothes and tried to drag them out.

Chi Jianguo never expected that he would be kicked out before he even got close to Chi Enen. While struggling, he couldn't help shouting, "What are you doing! Let me go! Do you know who I am! I am your president Madam’s father! Let go of your dog hands!”

"Chi Enen! Chi Enen!"

Everyone in the venue heard his yelling and turned their heads in his direction.

"SHI-T!" Li Beijue's face sank, and his cold eyes fell on several security personnel, "Cover his mouth!"

damn it! waste! They don't know to cover people's mouths before throwing them out! If he didn't give instructions on such a trivial matter, wouldn't they know about it?

Chi Enen had heard Chi Jianguo's voice and walked out from behind him.

The security guard was scolded by Li Beijue and was so frightened that he quickly covered the shouting man's mouth. Gu Qiaomei cried and beat the security guards. While Chi Jianguo struggled desperately, veins popped up on his forehead. He didn't care so much anymore. He blushed and shouted, "Let's see who dares! Chi Enen, you are unkind, right? Then don't blame me for being unjust!"

"If you don't let those people let go of me, I will tell all your secrets! The worst is that we will all die together!"

"Tell me what my secret is." Chi Enen looked at him coldly, seemingly calm, but in fact his back was tense, trying his best to suppress his emotions.

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