"If I were him, I would put my tail between my legs and be a good person. After repenting honestly, I might be able to live out my old age peacefully. If I do something bad and I have to run out to die, now it's better. I was taken away by the police. Just let those two people go to the police station to fight dog."

The girl next to Han Wenwen nodded in agreement and suddenly said, "By the way, did you hear that? Before the woman was taken away by the police, she said that someone seemed to instigate them to come here. Who instigated it? Also, How did they get in?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised about this too. It seems like you need an invitation letter to get in to Li's dinner, right? How could they get in without an invitation letter?"

"No, they must have an invitation letter to come in."

"Could it be that one of us gave them our invitation letter?"

"Oh, who has such a vicious heart? Isn't it because she brought people in at this time to destroy the Habsden daughter? Tsk tsk~ This is the revenge for killing my father."

The more Han Wenwen listened, the paler her face became. She grabbed the bag in her hand and said to the girl beside her, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Um, Sister Wenwen, do you want to go to the bathroom? I'll go with you. Those two people just ran into the banquet. Who knows if anyone else sneaked in." The girl was still quite worried about her 'future sister-in-law'. Intimately propose to go together.

Han Wenwen was so upset now that she had no energy to deal with her. "No, I can just go by myself. The security measures for the dinner are very comprehensive, so there is no need to worry about these."

"Oh fine."

She looked at Han Wenwen's hurried away figure, and an idea flashed in her mind. She suddenly thought that Sister Wenwen seemed to have come into the banquet with her today. Because she showed the invitation letter, Sister Wenwen did not show it and followed her directly. Come in.

If the invitation letters in the hands of those two people were given by someone at the venue, then Sister Wenwen... is probably that person.

Sister Wenwen was not convinced that Chi Enen had robbed Young Master Li, so she impulsively decided to give the invitation to those two people...

On the one hand, she was suspicious of Han Wenwen, and on the other hand, she sincerely suspected that this matter was related to Han Wenwen. Otherwise, why had Han Wenwen reacted so violently just now, insisting on going to the bathroom alone without even asking her to accompany her.

The dinner was held in a seven-star hotel. The hotel's bathroom was so splendid that it was so luxurious that you couldn't tell it was just a bathroom.

Han Wenwen turned on the faucet on the sink and let the cold water wash over her hands, as if this could calm her down.

How could this happen...how could the police come...how could people be taken away...

She was sure that the woman would be ruined by her biological father, so she didn't hide her identity at all when she handed the invitation letter to those two people.

Now that things have become like this, that woman is protected by Brother Jue and that Xiaoye and Zhong. But she was about to expose herself. Once things were revealed...

Han Wenwen's heart trembled and she didn't dare to imagine the consequences.

She was also impulsive and was egged on.

Now that she's done it, she can't look back. With the relationship between the Li family and the Han family for so many years, even if brother Jue finds out about her, for the sake of her grandfather, he shouldn't care about her, right?

Han Wenwen could only comfort herself in her heart to feel better.

She calmed down a little and was about to turn off the faucet when suddenly, a person came in——

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