Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2535 The Internet has exploded

There was an uproar on the Internet——

[My husband has become a director of AOS Group. What’s going on? I mean, there has been no news about my husband for three months. It turns out that he is not going to film a movie, but to be a domineering president. Emma, ​​wouldn’t I become the president’s little wife now? ]

[Koukou, the focus upstairs seems to be wrong. The point is not that Zhi Ang will become a domineering president. The point is, will Zhi Ang still be involved in the entertainment industry in the future? ]

[+10086 upstairs! I'm not concerned about whether my husband has become a domineering president. What I'm most concerned about now is that my husband won't retire at a young age! I do not want! ! ]

[I don’t want it either! ! ! ]

[No! The 96 days I haven’t seen my husband and missed him... If it turns into 960 days, I feel like I’m going crazy. ]

Lu Zhiang's fans were wailing, happy that their idol had become a director of Qianyi Group. Others are deeply worried, fearing that Lu Zhiang will quit the entertainment industry.

Fans were happy and worried, while passersby were shocked.

[F*ck! what's the situation! I just took a nap, but when I woke up, there was news about Lu Zhiang on the Internet. ]

[OMG! Lu Zhiang actually became a director of the Aos Group, and his life experience was so complicated. Thinking about it, the news seemed to have reported that he was a poor and noble man. At that time, many self-media people were still following the trend and ridiculing Lu Zhiang on the Internet, saying that Lu Zhiang was obviously poor and acted cool and rude at any time. It is said that Lu Zhiang is a rich man. 23333, they are all slapped in the face now. I really want to ask the self-media giants who laughed at Lu Zhiang before if their faces hurt. Being a director of the board of directors of a top wealthy family is not called rich. Do you have to be like Li Beijue to be called rich? ]

[Upstairs, I remember this too. Haha, same curious. Does it hurt after a group of poor guys laughed at a super rich young man and got slapped in the face? ]

[After reading so many comments, passers-by just want to raise their hands silently and ask, am I the only one who noticed the word illegitimate child? ]

[I also noticed the illegitimate child! ]

[Me too! It's just the fans setting the pace, no one said anything. ]

The Internet was abuzz with this explosive news, and major portal websites quickly edited special topics and put them in the most eye-catching positions, all with big red fonts and bold reports.

One portal had the most tricky reporting angle. Instead of following the trend and reporting on Lu Zhiang's appointment as the new director, it pulled Lin Anxin out to lose the popularity. The general meaning of the news is that the two companies Lin Anxin and Lu Zhiang were going to tie them up to speculate on CP. As a result, Lin Anxin was afraid that the sponsor who finally got on the list would be unhappy, so she made a public statement online to clarify that she had no relationship with Lu Zhiang. Now Lu Zhiang has suddenly become the most advantageous competitor of the top wealthy families. I wonder if Lin Anxin regrets not hugging Lu Zhiang's high branch.

After this news came out, it really attracted a lot of people's attention. There were tens of thousands of comments under the news in an instant. Most of them were mocking Lin Anxin's original statement and missing the opportunity to hug her.

Just when the popularity of the news was gradually rising, the news that was pinned to the top of the portal was deleted in the blink of an eye.

Because it was deleted quickly enough, in addition to causing a small commotion among fans, most people on the Internet were still immersed in the explosive news that Lu Zhiang suddenly became a director of the Os Group, and no one took notice of Lin Anxin.

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