Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2540 The reason why I would rather drink to death than tell you

On the table were two bottles of XO, a set of twelve depth charges, and several cocktails.

Not to mention the variety of alcoholic beverages, the quantity alone is enough to cause alcohol poisoning.

He might as well not say anything about his other choice, which would force Lu Zhiang to give his reasons.

This was the band's business, and Anna couldn't interrupt. She turned her head and looked at the silent man. In fact, like everyone else, she wanted Lu Zhiang to give an explanation, explain why he disappeared some time ago, and what is going on now.

Under the gazes of several people, the man who had been silent in the audience moved his long legs to the wine table expressionlessly, picked up a bottle of XO, uncorked it, raised his head and drank...

The liquor in the bottle gurgled down, Lu Zhiang's fair side face quickly turned pink, and he drank the entire bottle of wine in the blink of an eye.

Without pausing for a second, he picked up the second bottle of wine and drank it.

His silent and lifeless way of drinking made Anna's eyes hurt and her heart hurt. Even if she wanted to know the reason again, she didn't want to know it now. The first one ran over to block it with his hands, "Don't drink, don't drink. You can't drink in the first place. Do you want to perforate your stomach after drinking so much?"

As Lu Zhiang's best partner, Annan certainly knew that Lu Zhiang had a bad drinking capacity. He would get drunk after drinking a little bit, and he would be half disabled even if he drank so much alcohol. But he still insisted on saying, "Let him drink. Don't think that I will forget it if you play this trick. Just drink up the wine if you don't want to say anything. If you finish it, I won't ask."

Anna stamped her feet angrily, "Annan!"

After finishing the second bottle of XO, Lu Zhiang reached for the depth bomb without any pause. He drank one cup at a time and drank seven or eight cups in a blink of an eye. The color of the skin on his face also changed from pink at the beginning to red.

Annan couldn't hold his balance any longer, and his eyes were shaking.

Anna was even more anxious and about to cry, "That's enough for you, do you want to force him to death? You have paid for the band, didn't he pay for the band? Who was it that sacrificed himself all day and night for the band to release a record? When he is locked in a room and writing songs, who sacrifices himself for the development of the band to accept some ads and magazines that he doesn’t like? He has paid more than anyone else. Since he doesn’t want to say it, why do you have to force him? You know it, but What's the use? Can I help him solve his difficulties if I know it? I can't do it, so I just want him to be well. I believe he will tell me the reason for leaving one day."

Annan tensed his jaw and said nothing, but his troubled expression betrayed him.

He is hesitating...

But it's too late.

The depth charges on the table had been consumed, leaving only the last three cocktails. Lu Zhiang picked them up and drank them all in one gulp, as if he hadn't heard the conversation between Anna and the others.

All the wine on the table was finished.

He put one hand on the table, put down the empty glass of the last cocktail, raised his head, and looked at Annan and the others with his eyes as dark as stars, "I've finished drinking, can I go?"

Annan didn't expect that he had really finished the drink. Seeing how uncomfortable he looked, he already regretted it, but he said uncomfortably, "Let's go, let's go. Anyway, your heart is not here anymore, and you can't keep it!"

Lu Zhiang looked at them apologetically, wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, and stumbled out of the small bar.

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