Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2543 Lu Zhiang is outside the door

Lin Anxin had changed into her suit, and when she was choosing between high heels or flat shoes at the entrance, she couldn't help but took off the high heels she was already wearing and replaced them with comfortable canvas shoes.

Her canvas shoes were bought together with Chi Enen. They are the same style and color, and they are definitely the best friend's style.

The Chanel suit was paired with canvas shoes. She took a look in the mirror and found to her surprise that it didn't look out of place at all. Lin Anxin was in a good mood, picked up the bag next to her, raised the corner of her mouth, and opened the door.

She opened the door with her front foot, and with her back foot, a man smelling of alcohol rushed in instantly and held her tightly in his arms. The force seemed to be rubbing her into the bones.

"Fuck! You dare to eat my tofu!" Lin Anxin's conditioned reflex was to push her knees up and hit the man's most vulnerable part——

"Hmm." She heard a groan of pain, and the person holding her let go of her hand, covering the injured area in pain, and staggered back two steps.

Lin Anxin finally saw clearly the appearance of the person who rushed to hug her, and was stunned for a moment, "Lu Zhiang?"

What's going on? Why is Lu Zhiang here?

Didn't Shanni say that he was in the Os Group on the news just now?

Lin Anxin always felt indebted to him. When he finally showed up, she nearly hit him with her knee and became paralyzed. She felt even more guilty and quickly supported the uncomfortable man, "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I just didn't Knowing it was you, I thought some bastard came here and took such heavy action. Are you okay? There... won't be ruined, right?"

It's crueler to cripple a man than to kill someone else. Her last sentence simply showed that she lacked confidence and felt extremely guilty.

She used more force just now, but maybe... maybe... maybe... she wouldn't cripple Lu Zhiang, right?

Lu Zhiang frowned and arched his body. The front seemed to hurt from being kicked by Lin Anxin, and the back felt more and more like a stomachache. The smell of alcohol on his body was so strong that you could smell it from a distance, and his fair and handsome face was full of painful expressions, "...uncomfortable."

Lin Anxin felt guilty for a while and held his shoulders, "Is it really that uncomfortable? How about I send you to the hospital for a check-up."

She sends a man, or a man who is in the spotlight now, to the hospital to see the men's department in broad daylight, without thinking about what the news outside will say.

As soon as she finished speaking, someone grabbed her wrist firmly, and a forbearing voice escaped from the man's thin lips, "No, don't go to the hospital, you can't go."

If she goes there, she will be exposed and will be targeted by that man's people.

She would be in danger.

If she had not been implicated, he would still have the courage to fight that man to the death. If she is involved and the man uses her to threaten him, he may choose to be obedient and become a robot controlled by the man.

"Don't go to the hospital, I'm fine... um..." There was a fine drop of sweat on his forehead, his handsome face was pale in pain, and his body was arching violently, like a bow stretched to its full string, the pain was excruciating!

Lin Anxin was at a loss for the first time, and vaguely realized that Lu Zhiang was not simply hurt by her knee as she thought.

She gritted her teeth decisively and said, "I understand. We are not going to the hospital. You come in first. You will be easily bumped into by others at the door."

Lu Zhiang stumbled into the apartment with her support.

Lin Anxin's apartment is not big, just an ordinary apartment, which is enough for her to live alone. One room is for yourself and the other is a dressing room.

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