Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2545 Taking care of drunk people

"Lin Anxin, don't come here. I won't accept your trick. Come here quickly."

"Hello, hello, Sister Shanni? It's strange, there's really no sound." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone decisively, then quickly put the phone into airplane mode and breathed a sigh of relief.

Emma, ​​she will be dead when Shani comes to your door tomorrow.

But there was no way she could leave Lu Zhiang at home.

If it were another man, she would have kicked him out, no matter how drunk he was. But Lu Zhiang... She always felt a sense of indebtedness. She owed him so much before, and she really couldn't help but die.

After Lin Anxin put the phone back into her pocket, she returned to the living room and reached out to touch the forehead of the man curled up on the sofa with his eyes closed to see if he had a fever.

As a result, her wrist was grabbed as soon as she put her hand on it. She was suddenly pulled hard and fell into the man's arms, and her whole body was held tightly.

"Lu Zhiang?"

Lin Anxin had never been so embarrassed. When she called him, he didn't respond. She was about to reach out and push him.

She felt him put his head on her shoulder, and then a soft whisper floated into her ears, "Mom..."

She paused in her pushing motion.

The person holding her seemed to be in a nightmare. He hugged her tightly, buried his head in her neck, and murmured uncomfortably, "Mom, don't go..."

"Mom, don't leave me."


"Mom, I will protect you. You wait for me to grow up, wait for me."

"I will defeat the bad guys and protect you."

"Mom, don't..."

This kind of child-like murmuring weighed heavily on his heart. Although Lin Anxin didn't know what he was dreaming about, he knew from his painful murmuring that the dream must be terrible.

She stretched out her hand, patted his back gently, and whispered to comfort the man who was convulsing in pain, "Okay, it's okay, everything is over. It doesn't matter, it's over. I won't leave, I won't Leaving you……"

She kind of coaxed Lu Zhiang as her younger brother. Originally, Lu Zhiang was younger than her, so she didn't think there was anything strange about her coaxing tone.

I don't know if her comforting had an effect or something else. Lu Zhiang's convulsed body gradually relaxed, his murmurs gradually became quieter, and he felt like he was about to fall asleep.

Lin Anxin was half standing and half bent over with her neck being held. This action particularly tested her waist strength. In just half an hour, she felt that her old waist was about to break, but she didn't dare to stop, so she could only repeatedly slap the person who was comforting her nightmare, while quietly hissing in pain.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Zhiang gradually released her neck.

As soon as Lin Anxin got free, she immediately stood up straight and hit her waist hard with her hands, "Emma, ​​luckily you let go. If you don't let go, my old waist will break in two."

After she knocked a few times, her waist finally felt better. Lin Anxin looked at the drunk man on the sofa strangely and frowned, "What happened to Lu Zhiang's mother? Where has he been in the past three months?" , why did you become the director of the Os Group... I always feel like there is some secret in it."

After she finished murmuring, she waved her hand and relaxed, "Forget it, even if there are secrets, they are people's privacy. Why should I gossip about this? The question is what should I do now?"

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