Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2553 The CEO didn’t come either

Lin Anxin was defeated by Si Chen in the end, and the driver helped the drunk and unconscious Lu Zhiang to the hotel.

At the W International Hotel, the driver used Lu Zhiang's ID card to open the room, and then the information was sent to a nearby coffee shop.

The bodyguard who received the message quickly called his secretary, "Hey, Manager Amy, we found the young master."

ten minutes later.

Several Lincolns drove quickly to the hotel and picked up Lu Zhiang.

The driver who left after checking in the room had been hiding in an inconspicuous place on the corner of the road, squatting and waiting for the person to be picked up, and immediately sent a message to Si Chen.

At the same time, in Lin Anxin's apartment, Si Chen's cell phone dinged. He came out of the shower and happened to hear it. Wrapped in a bath towel, he bent down to pick up his phone and glanced at it quickly.

Lin Anxin was answering the phone outside the living room. The call was from Shanni. She thought Shanni was here to settle a score with her. Surprisingly, Shanni was in a good mood. "Don't you have poor signal? Why is this happening?" Did you receive my call?"

"Hahaha." Lin Anxin laughed a few times and joked, "Maybe the wiring has been repaired outside."

"Are you sure? I'm going to ask the property management in your community. If the property management says this is not the case, you will be dead." Shanni has been her agent for so long, so it's strange that she doesn't know her Xiao Jiujiu. He was so guilty, and he was still talking harshly to her.

Sure enough, Lin Anxin gave up instantly, "I was wrong. How about I go over now? Is it still too late?"

"No need. You're lucky today. For some reason, the new CEO didn't come. In the end, his secretary said he wasn't feeling well and let the whole company go. Haha, didn't you see Lin? Na and Lu Qinglian's faces were red and purple. Especially Lu Qinglian, who used her anger to trip you up a lot. She was even more disgusting than Lina. Lu Qinglian is the most disgusting person who will trouble you openly and will not pretend to be a good person. On the one hand, she is afraid that you will rise too quickly and replace her status and cause trouble on you. On the other hand, she also pretends to be aloof and disdains to argue with you. Looks like that. No wonder she won the Best Actress in Scala. With her acting skills, it would be a shame not to be in the entertainment industry.”

Lin Anxin knew these two people. These two people were the two people Shanni hated the most, and they were also the very few people who could make her smart and capable manager angry and deformed.

Especially Lu Qinglian, Shanni hated her very much.

It is said that Lu Qinglian relied on her connections in the entertainment industry to cut off several of her resources along the way, including advertising endorsements and movie roles.

Lin Anxin doesn't feel much about it. In the entertainment industry, everyone is very realistic. Anyone who has the ability will go for it. If someone has the ability to take it away, it means that they are more powerful, so there is nothing to be depressed about. Who told her that she only had the background of Si Chen, and she never used it when talking about resources, so she basically relied on herself. Lu Qinglian is different from her. Lu Qinglian's family background is unusual. It is said that she has something to do with the water watch circle. She has had a halo since her debut and has been on the rise all the way. If people want to compete with her for resources, to put it bluntly, it's better to watch. Pick her up.

"Forget it, Shanni, it's all over. With me like this now, people probably won't bother to pay attention to me, so they won't be grabbing resources." Lin Anxin comforted her carelessly.

As a result, she stepped on the explosive, and Shanni was so angry that she criticized her angrily, "You still know what you are like now. I thought you forgot about yourself when you were in love."

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