Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2555: You are taking advantage of the situation.

Si Chen narrowed his eyes, as if he heard her inner dissatisfaction, and said in a hoarse voice, "I called you, but you didn't hear me."

Lin Anxin rubbed the painful bridge of her nose, accepting his explanation, and said depressedly, "Okay, I didn't pay attention. What happened?"

Si Chen raised the phone in his hand and showed her the text message, "The driver said Lu Zhiang has been picked up, so you can rest assured."

Lin Anxin took his mobile phone and looked down at the message sent by the driver. She pursed her lips and asked uneasily, "Do you know who took him away? It couldn't be an enemy, right?"

Si Chen's eyes flashed with displeasure, but he still snatched the phone and said, "It's his father's, don't worry, those people will take good care of him."

Lin Anxin realized that he was jealous belatedly. While it was a little funny, she was even more curious about Lu Zhiang's life experience, "Si Chen, do you know what Lu Zhiang's life experience is?"

When Lu Zhiang was drunk, he once hugged her and whispered about his mother. He always felt that there was some story in it.

"I probably know a little bit." Si Chen glanced at her and knew that she was curious. He walked to the sofa and sat down, and suddenly said, "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat in the refrigerator?"

Peat! Lin Anxin clenched her fists, her beautiful eyes accusing, "You are taking advantage of the situation!"

"I'm just making a reasonable request. You can refuse my request." The man leaned elegantly on the sofa, his slender and upright posture relaxed, and even his eyebrows relaxed. He became more and more noble, and he looked like an elite nobleman. Young Master. It's just the dark expression between his eyebrows that makes his teeth itch with hatred, "Of course, I don't really want to chat until I'm full."

All he meant was that if she didn't make him food, he wouldn't tell her about Lu Zhiang.

"You are despicable!"

"I'm still shameless. As long as you can achieve your goal, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, history is written by the victors." Si Chen's eyebrows were curved, and he looked like a suave, carefree and lazy person.

Lin Anxin gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and endured, "Wait!"

With that said, she angrily opened the refrigerator, took out a handful of ingredients and went into the kitchen...

Half an hour later, the intoxicating aroma of the food wafted out.

The person wearing an apron came out of the kitchen, and Lin Anxin's eyebrows had a hint of fireworks. She now looked like a little wife waiting for her husband to come home, without any sense of distance from the stars on TV.

She brought out three dishes and one soup from the kitchen, then a bowl of rice, set out the bowls and chopsticks, and called the man on the sofa, "Master, dinner is ready. Can you get up and move your noble buttocks to the dining table?" "

A happy smile appeared on Si Chen's thin lips, and with a touch of his sexy thin lips, he said, "That's right."

Is he still addicted to playing? Lin Anxin rolled her eyes, knocked on the dining table, changed her snarling voice just now, and returned to her original feminine look, "You said you are fat and you are breathless? Hurry up and eat!"

Damn, the facial mask she applied was white again after being exposed to the fumes from cooking for so long.

If Si Chen eats more today, she will lose blood!

The noble man quickly came over, sat on the chair, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and found that he was the only one there. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't want to eat?"

Lin Anxin pulled up her chair and sat across from him, holding her chin up and said, "No, I just had ramen for lunch."

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