Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2564: Angry to death without paying for your life

At the elevator entrance, Shanni saw the person coming at a glance. He hurried forward to greet him, "My little ancestor, you are finally here."

"I'm not late, am I?" Lin Anxin paired a dark red sweater with DOIR's starry sky skirt and a pair of the now popular Dadehfle Wdedee soft sheepskin silver-gray high heels. She looked as beautiful as a fairy.

Shanni's eyes lit up and she felt much better, "No, I'm just in time. Let's go there."

"Okay." Lin Anxin followed her, "The CEO hasn't come yet?"

Shanni shook her head and said as she walked, "No, maybe she's still on her way here. Lu Qinglian and the others were waiting inside. Anyway, the secretary said that the new CEO was coming today. It's impossible to let him go yesterday. Our pigeons are flying again today.”

"Haha, it's possible. After all, you can't guess the behavior of rich people. Just let him go. Who dares to make a decision with him and get angry?" Lin Anxin shrugged, disapproving.

After a moment, he added depressingly, "But he'd better come, otherwise I will have sacrificed my precious sleep time in vain."

"..." Shanni rolled her eyes at her expressionlessly. After walking to the office door, she reminded her seriously, "Don't worry, pay attention to your expression."

"Okay." Lin Anxin also knew that he was about to go to the battlefield. He changed his playful smile and looked like a goddess.

Shanni opened the door of the office, and everyone's eyes suddenly turned over.

Among them, Lu Qinglian and Lina had the hottest eyes. Lina did not hide the jealousy on her face and said coldly, "Hey, there is another big star. You are attending the event. Everyone is here. You just came now to make your final appearance?"

Lin Anxin acted as if she didn't hear her provocation, and decisively walked to Lu Qinglian's side, pulled Lu Qinglian away to occupy one of the three positions, and sat down naturally.

There were so many people standing in the office, but no one dared to sit in those three seats. Lin Anxin said that he should sit down and did so. Although the agent beside Lu Qinglian was hesitant and wanted to go up and stop him, he hesitated but still didn't dare to do what he just said. Lin Anxin is the same as for young artists who want to take photos.

Lin Anxin is not the most popular artist in Xinghao Entertainment, but who doesn't know that Lin Anxin's backstage person is Mr. Si.

Si Chen controls most of the resources in the entertainment industry, although they don't know why Lin Anxin doesn't rely on his sponsor's company and insists on relying on Xing Hao. But because of her relationship with Mr. Si, people with sound minds would generally not provoke her openly.

Even though Lin Anxin's situation is indeed not good now.

Lu Qinglian didn't show any displeasure with Lin Anxin sitting next to him. Instead, he turned his head and asked in a familiar tone, "Didn't you have a public relations company for your previous scandal? Do you want me to introduce you to a public relations company?"

Lin Anxin blinked and rejected her, "No, I don't plan on PR."

She plans to rely on her acting skills to clear her name.

Of course, she wasn't stupid enough to tell him.

Lu Qinglian raised his brows and said worriedly, "I advise you to work with public relations. Don't you know? Lu Zhiang is now the director of the Aos Group. He is so popular now, it is inevitable that someone will take advantage of your previous work." Scandal makes a fuss.”

"Are you talking about the previous report against me on the Internet?" Lin Anxin glanced at her with a faint smile, "There are many people who want to step on me again and trample me into the ground. It's a pity that I have a sponsor. Help me block the blame. The report was actually very effective, but it was a pity that the portal deleted it after I called him. It was really hard for the other party to try hard to hack me, but in the end, the backend was not strong enough, and the money was wasted. "

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