Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2568 Meeting an annoying person again

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Lu Zhiang just wanted to dispel his doubts about himself and didn't care about Xinghao Entertainment's bad debts. After he successfully dispelled Amy's suspicion, he lowered his eyes and clenched his fists, "Oh, really. That's interesting. You should check it out."

"Okay, Master."

"Kunkou." At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

Amy changed her previous respectful attitude and said stiffly, "Come in."

Xinghao's secretary came in, holding a stack of folders in his hand. He walked to the desk and put everything down, "Mr. Lu, here are the documents you asked for."

"Well, put it here. You go out first."


"Make me some coffee and come in."

"Yes, what type of coffee would Mr. Lu want to drink?"

Lu Zhiang seemed to have recalled something, his outline suddenly softened, and he said softly, "Lanshan, add two pieces of sugar."

Lin Anxin likes to drink Blue Mountain and also likes to add two cubes of sugar to the Blue Mountain.


Xinghao's secretary went out.

Silence returned to the office, and Amy stood behind Lu Zhiang from beginning to end, like a bodyguard and surveillance...


Outside Xinghao's bathroom, Lin Anxin told Shanni to wait a moment and then went in with her bag.

As soon as she entered, she met a nasty person.

"Hey, isn't this our big name? Why did you come to the bathroom? Do you want to cool down with cold water?" The sharp and mean voice didn't belong to Lina.

Lin Anxin pretended not to see her, twitching the corner of her mouth and preparing to go around her and go inside, "I'm sorry, you're overthinking, I'm here to use the toilet."

Lina blocked her in front of her, preventing her from passing. Smiling sarcastically at Lin An, "Who are you kidding? You are still in the mood to go to the toilet after seeing Lu Zhiang. I think you said that after seeing me."

Lin Anxin had never seen someone as annoying and annoying as her. She stood still, folded her hands in front of her chest, and rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Funny! Why am I not in the mood to go to the toilet when I see Mr. Lu? I This is the first time I’ve heard that going to the bathroom depends on your mood. If you’re in a bad mood, you can go three days without going to the bathroom. Then if you’re in a bad mood for a month, won’t you be suffocated to death in the hospital?”

"You-" Lina pointed to her nose, her hands trembling with anger. After a while, he regained his composure, sneered, and said triumphantly, "Just pretend. I know you regret it so much now and feel so uncomfortable that you will die. Who made someone's eyes grow on the ceiling, thinking that he has It’s great to be a financial sponsor. Now you have offended someone you shouldn’t have offended, so you should regret it.”

Lin Anxin pushed away the finger she was pointing at him and smiled charmingly, "Sorry, it's great that I have a financial backer. It's better than someone without one. Seeing other people's financial backers drooling, Baba moved closer to get close to her. And she was slapped in the face." Isn't she talking about the incident where Lina and Baba got close to Si Chen in the cafe, but Si Chen completely forgot about Lina?

Her fighting ability is simply incredible.

Lin Linna couldn't even say she couldn't win against Lu Qinglian, so how could she say she could win against Lin Anxin.

She originally wanted to see Lin Anxin's joke, but after going back and forth, Lin Anxin read the joke, and her face turned blue with anger and her whole body trembled.

"Okay, sister Linna, please stop blocking me. Otherwise I will think you want to ask me for money, and I can't help but give you fifty cents before going in."

"..." The only people standing guard at the bathroom door to collect money are the toilet guards. She is saying that she is the toilet guard!

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