Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2570 Let my little baby take me for a round

"You also know my current state. The impact of the previous scandal has not passed. I think I can't make a comeback on my own. If I tell Si Chen that Lu Zhiang has become my boss, he will definitely let me terminate my contract with Xing Hao. Once I have settled it with Xing Hao. In my current situation, I can only choose to quit the entertainment industry or sign a contract with his entertainment company... I don't want to get involved with him financially, so I am very confused about whether to terminate my contract with Xing Hao. "

Filming is her job and her source of income.

If she terminates her contract with Xing Hao, she will definitely be hit hard. Her current acting career can no longer withstand the impact.

Unless she really wants to turn Si Chen into her financial sponsor and rely on him to survive in the entertainment industry in the future.

But she really didn't want to.

She just likes to say that Si Chen is her financial sponsor. In fact, she has done almost nothing with Si Chen except for showing off.

It was so difficult before, but she insisted on gritting her teeth and getting through it. Now she doesn't want to rely on him anymore.

Once money is involved in the relationship between two people, it is never pure.

Chi Enen understood what she meant, pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence suggested, "Why don't you sign Ryan? I'm also planning to open an entertainment company recently, but I'm just in the process of preparing it, and it will take some time to complete it. ”

"You want to open an entertainment company?" Lin Anxin straightened up in surprise.

Chi Enen's bright eyes were clear and calm, "Well, because Ryan's business is too single, I still want to diversify Ryan's development. It just so happens that the Habsden family owns shares in the cinema and can get a lot of resources in the entertainment industry. I I just want to set up an entertainment company.”

She wanted to have resources that she didn’t need to use, and leaving them alone would be a waste.

"Anxin, why don't you come to my place?" She didn't tell Lin Anxin the news immediately because her entertainment company was still under preparation. Now that she asked Lin Anxin to come over, she couldn't provide any good resources to Lin Anxin. She could only Delay Lin Anxin's development.

Lin Anxin's eyes lit up at first, then dimmed, and then lay down again, "Forget it, I won't go."

"Why?" Chi Enen was a little anxious.

She turned over and said with pain, "Xinghao and I still have a contract for more than a year. If I leave now, it will be a breach of contract and I will have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. Your entertainment company has just been established, you sign me Can’t row.”

Without waiting for Chi Enen to speak, she grabbed Chi Enen's hand and said, "I know you want to help me, okay, I'm not at the end of my rope now. It's just that the ambiguous little wolf dog before has become the top boss. . The others haven’t shown to be very familiar with me before, so I think it’s okay. Anyway, I won’t tell Si Chen first, and then I’ll consider terminating the contract.”

Chi Enen thought about it and thought it made sense, "Yeah, sure. Anyway, if you need help, remember to tell me. Where is our relationship? Don't worry about others."

"Yeah..." Lin Anxin's eyes flashed with emotion. He suddenly sat up and slapped Chi Enen on the shoulder, regaining his playful smile. "I'm so touched~ It's not in vain that my sisters loved you so much before!"

Chi Enen was almost out of breath from her slap. She suddenly became lively again. She looked at the time and said, "My little baby is about to finish school. Why hasn't he come back yet? Wow, I've decided." , I want to have dinner at your house tonight, and let my little baby take me to play a game. "

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